All wills are from the UK unless otherwise mentioned. To view the wills, unfold the list below. Each entry also has a download link to a Word version.
Thanks to Audrey McLaughlin of Walsham le Willows for providing the original transcript of this will.
Will of Richard Rampley 3. 12. 1512 (proved 26. 5. 1513)
Details SRO (Bury) IC 500/2/12.83
Richard Rampoly of Walsham dated 3rd December 1512
of whole mind and good memory
all former testaments revoked
my soul to Almighty God
my body to Christian burial
to Christ Church of Norwich 4d
to the high altar in Walsham for tithes forgotten or ignorantly paid 20d
to the Old House of Friars in Thetford for a trental for my soul and my wife’s soul 10s
to the church of Walsharn £4 to buy a “whyte coope” as it may conveniently he had of John my son’s purchase with this condition, that I and my wife be prayed for yearly with the benefactors be “set in the sangered boke and onys in the yeare the seyd treste to be reherset”
I assign 3s 4d to help with the making of a tabernacle of St. Anne in the chancel in Walsham at the high altar according to the tabernacle of our lady when so ever it begins
to Katherine my wife all my ostilments and stuff of household together with my chattels, movable goods and debts freely to give and to sell
to Richard Rampoly and to William “my nenes” to each of them 6s 8d (if one die without heirs, the other to have his part)
to each 4 children of Katherine my daughter, Richard, Margaret, Julian and Katherine each of them 6s 8d
all the gifts and charities that Jon my son buy unto for my wife, his mother, at my burial be allowed to him
again first and foremost of his payments
the residue of my goods not bequeathed I assign to Katherine my wife
Executors: Katherine my wife, John my son and Thomas Rainbird – to each of them for their labors 20d
Witnesses: Thomas Robhood, William Rampoly, John Pakenham, John Smethe, William Nekyr and others
Probate 26th May 1513
Will of William Rampley 20 March 1548 (proved 23 November 1557)
SRO Reference: IC500/2/26
Book: J545/12
Date: 1557
Page: 229
///In the name of god Amen/// the xxti
daye of March in the yere of our Lorde
god 1548 and in the yere of our Souerayne
Lorde Edward the Sixt by the grace
Of god of Ingland Fraunce and Ireland
Kynge Defender of the fayth and in earth
of the Chyrch of Ingland and Ireland
the Supreame head the iijde yere wytnes
that I William Rampley of Walsham
beinge of holl mynde and in perfecte
and good remambraunce thankes be vnto the
heavenlye father Fyrst I doe institute
orden and declare this my Testament and
last will in this maner and forme
followinge. Fyrst I commende my Sowle
vnto allmightye god the Father
the Sonne and the holye ghost and
my bodye to be buryed in the holy
Sepulture wher yt shall please
god Item I gyue and bequeth to Elizabeth
my wyef my Tenement with all Landes
therto perteynynge in Walsham
to hir and for terme of hyr lyef
naturall and after hyr dycease
I will the said Tenement with all Landes
therto perteynynge shall remayne
to Iohn Rampley my eldest sonne
to him and to his heyres and Assignes
for euer vpon this condycion fol-
lowinge That is to saye Iohn my
Sonne shalbe at charge for meate
and Drynke and fyrynge for me
and Elsabeth my wyef and the said
Iohn shall haue the occupyeng
of the said Landes for terme of
our ij lyves. and dyscharge Larde
and Lynge and fynde Repracion
and euer that I will haue twoo
milche meate goynge to haue
wynter meate and Sommer meate
and to brynge vp a Calf tyll
yt be a yere olde one in the yere
And furthermore I will [Iohn> the said
Iohn my eldest Sonne shall paye to
yonge Iohn Rampley my youngest
sonne xxli of lawfull monye of
Ingland in maner and forme
followinge that is to saye at the
Feast of St Michaell Tharchangell
next to comme xxs of lawfull mony
and so forth yerelye at the said Feaste xxs
tyll the said somme of xxli be fullye
contente and payde. Allso I bequeath
all my Implementes and stuff of howse-
holde to Elsabeth my wyef. All other
goodes not bequeathed I putt to the
Dysposicion of my Executors Of this
my last will and Testament I
orden and make myne Executor
Elsabeth my wyef Thes wytnes
Richard Rampley Thomas Lacye
Nicholas Waller with other
Will of Richard Rampley 8 August 1558 (proved 18 April 1559)
Catalogue Reference: PROB 11/41
Dept: Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Series: Prerogative Court of Canterbury and related Probate Jurisdictions: Will Registers
Piece: Name of Register: Noodes Quire Numbers: 40 – 77
///In the name of God Amen/// The viijth daye of August in the yer of our
lorde god a thousande five hundred fiftee and eight I Richard Rampley of Walsham in the
Countee of Suffolk yoman being hole of mynde and of good memorye doo ordayn and make
my last will and testament in manner and fourme following that is to saye I bequeath
my soule to allmighty god, And my body to be buried in christen buriall where it shall pleas
god Also I geve and bequeath to Alice my wif my tenementes with all the landes medowes
pastures thereto belonging within the towne of Walsham except that Richard my sonne is infef-
fed in To holde to her to her and her assignees during the terme of lif and one yere after to
be at her will and assignment Also I giue and bequeath to Richard my sonne all my
landes and pastures both free and coppie that he is not allredye infeoffed in from the high
bagges towardes the holivad greene to hold to him and his heyres foreuer, on this condicion that
he shall not entre that he is already enfeoffed till one yere after my deceace, and also that
he shall not entre this my legacie and bequeast that he is not feoffed untill one yere after
my wifes Deceace and he the said Richard shall paye to Elisabeth Carleton my daughter xxli
of good and lawfull money of England and this to be paid one hole yere after he entre his
lande after his mothers deceace vli and so the next hole yere after other vli and so euery yere
vli till the somme of xxli be fully contented and paide. Also I giue and bequeath vnto
Reginald my sonne my tenement that I now dwell in and my house at towne holly as they
lye within themselfs and my Cloas next market way otherwise called horstsawe and iiij
acres of land lying in the melfeeld and my pittell at Stapleland to hym and his hares foreuer
on the condicion that he shall not entre in the saide lande till one hole yere after my wifes
Deceace. And also that the said Reginalde shall paye or cause to be paide to Christofer
Carlton and Richard Carleton Alice Carleton and Mary Carleton the children of Iohn
Carleton and Alice Rampley and Agnes Rampley the children of Richard Rampley
to either of them xiijs iiijd and this to be paid within one hole yere after he entre his land
And if they all come to thage of xiiij yeres or els to tarrye till they come to the saide age
Also I geve and bequeath to Edmund Day the sonne of Sir Reynold Bewfew clerke iiijli
of good and lawfull money of England to be paide by the said Edmonde by myne executors
when he commeth to the full age of xxti yeres. And if he the said Edmond departe this mortall
lif before commeth to the saide age Thenne I will the foresaid iiijli be evenly diuidid
betwixt his twoo sustern Ioane Dey and Alice Day if they be than alive or either of them
yf they be all goon before I will it shalbe distributed to the poore by my executours wherever
they shall soe moost neede. The Residewe of all my goodes not spoken of what kynde or na-
ture soeuer they be of with all vtensiles and stuff of housholde I geve freelie and holie to Alice
my wif whome I ordayne and make myne executrix and Richard Rampley and Reginald
Rampley myne executors. Written with myne awne hand In Witnes By me Richard Rampley
The Surrendre is geven of all the landes holden of the Quenes holis> maiestie within the towne of Walsham to Thomas Vincent thelder and of
maister Bacons hold. In witness therof Fraunces Rokewood of Walsham Robert
Hawes with others.
Will of Alice Rampley 3 March 1581 (proved 25 October 1585)
SRO Reference: IC500/2/39
Book: J545/19
Date: 1585
Page: 349
T. Alice Ramply vid. De Walsham
le Willowes
///In the name of god Amen/// the third
day of march in the yere of our Lord, a thowsand five
hundred eightye one, and in the xxiiij yeare of the Reighne
of our soueraigne ladye Queene Elizabeth etc. I Alce
Rampley of Walshame le wyllowes, in the Countye of
Suffolk and dioces of Norwich wydowe, beinge of good mind
and perfect remembraunce, thankes be geven to thalmightye god.
Inprimis before all thinges, as yt ys meete for a fyne Chris-
tian, doe ordayne
and make, this my presente testament
contayninge therein my last wyll. Revokinge all other my
wylles heretofor made, first I bequeath my soule in the handes
of Almightye god, my maker and redemer, trustinge to be
saued, trustinge to be saued, by the merrites of hys most
precious death and passion, and my bodye to be buryed in the
Churchyard of Walsham, aforsayd, Item whereas my sonne
Richard, is indebted vnto me the some of xxli that is to saye
xli which I lent hym and xli for Rent of my land which he useth, and
now occupiethe, for and in Consideracion, that yf the sayd Richard
hys Executors, or Assignes, shall truly Content and paye or
cavse to be Contented, and payd, to Elizabeth Cartlon my
daughter, hir executors or Assignes, the some of xxli that
ys to say vli within one yeare, presently after my decease,
and soo
Forth vli yearly, vntyll the sayde some of xxli be truly
contented and payd, And also, xli of like lawfull
Englishe money, vnto my sonne Raynold, hys executors
or Assignes within one yeare presently after my decease
to thuse of Margaret Rampley Daughter to my sonne
Raynold, her executors, or assignes
<presently,> for with Consideracions aforsayd, I geve and
bequeath vnto my sayd sonne Richard, my land called
or knowne by the name of Taylers and Trundlewades
lying and being in Walsham aforsayd, to haue and
to hold, to him the sayd Richard, his heyres And Assignes
for euer, vppon the Consideracions, to be observed and ful-
filled, as ys aforsayd, And yf the sayd Richard Rampley
his executors and Administrators, shall make any de-
fault, of the paymentes or any part therof, at any of the
tymes lymited, in which the sayd somes ought to be payd
That then I wyll geve, and bequeath, my sayd landes
Taylors and trundlewoodes, vnto my sayd sonne Ray-
nold, to haue and to holde, the sayd Closs, to hym, hys heyres
Administrators and Assignes for euer, doinge and pay-
inge, vnto my sayd Daughter Carlton, in manner and
forme as the sayd Richard should or ought to haue paid
Item for the Consideracion of the landes geven to sayd
sonne Richard, as Aforsayd. I wyll and bequeath
that the same Richard, hys heyres, Executors, Administra-
tors, or Assignes shall paye, or cavse to be payd, vnto the
Chyldren of the sayd Richard, namely Alce the eldest
Agnis, Ales the youngest, Richard, and Elizabeth, to
eyther of them xls , of lawfull Englishe money, provided
alwayes, that yf the sayd Alce, Agnes, Alce, Richard and
Elizabeth shall happen to departe ther naturall lyf
or lives, before suche tyme, as eyther he or she, shall
receyve ther part, or portion. that then I wyll, eache parte or
or portion of hym or her soe deceased, shall equalye be
devided, amonge them, that shall survyve, by even, and
equal porcions
Equal porcions. Item I geve, and bequeath vnto Richard
Rampley, my godson , my fetherbedd, with a bolster and two pillowes
which lyeth in place, and a Coueringe of Dornix which I lately
bought to hym, hys heyres and Assignes for euer, to be
deliuered to hym the sayd Richard Immediatelye, after my
decease Item whereas my daughter Carlton borrowed of
me xxli I wyll and bequeath the same xxli vnto the sayd
Elizabeth, her Executors, and Assignes, for euer, Item I geve
and bequeath vnto Elizabeth, my sayd daughter, my fether-
bedd, and bolster, that I now lye one, with two pyllowes, and one
of the best Coueringes vnbequeathed with the wyll at the sayd Eliza
beth, her choyse, duringe her naturall lyf, and after her de-
cease, I geve and bequeath the same bedd, bolster, pyllowes
and Coueringe, before named, to Chrystpofer Carlton, my godson
to hym, hys executors. And Assignes for euer, Item I geve
and bequeath vnto Chrystopher Carlton, my said godson
fortye shyllinges of lawfull Englishe money, to be payd to
hym, hys executors or Assignes, within one yeare next after
decease, Item I geve and bequeathe, vnto Richard Carlton
my husband and godson xls to be payd vnto hym etc. within one
yeere, after my decease, Item I geve to Mary Bertt, Eliza-
beth Hayward, my daughter Elizabeth Carlton her chyldren
to eyther of them twayne, twentye shyllinges of lawfull
Englishe money, to be payd to them ther executores, or
Assignes, within one yeere, next Insuinge my decease, Item
I wyll and bequeath vnto Mary Carlton, Amye Carlton,
Iohn Carlton, Thomas Carlton Frauncis Carlton, Ann
Carlton Lorndens Carlton, eyther of them xxs of lawfull
Englishe money, to be payd to them, and euery of them, when they
shall accomplishe ther ages of xxiti yeeres, or at hys or
her Mariage day, which shall first happen, and yf yt shall
Chance, that any of them aforenamed, that is to say, Mary
Amye, Iohn, Thomas, Fraunces, Ann or Lvrndens
to depart ther
To depart ther naturall lyfe, or lyfes, before he or she
shall receyve, hys or her porcion Aforesayd That then
he or she that surviveth, shall have and Injoy
hys or her part, and porcion that soe deceaseth, Item I geve
and bequeath, vnto Ales Rampley theldest daughter of
Richard Rampley, my sonne, two milch Cowes to be deliuer-
ed vnto the sayd Alce the Michalmas followinge after my
decease, Item I geve and bequeath, vnto Elizabeth
Eliot daughter of my sonne Raynold xxli of lawfull
Englishe money, to be payd vnto the sayd Elizabeth, her
Executors and Assignes, within one yeere, next after my decease
Item I geve and bequeath vnto Margaret Rampley, daugh-
ter of my sonne Reynold, xxli of lawfull Englishe money
to be payd to the same Margaret her Executors or Assignes
at her daye of Marriage, or when she shall accomplishe
her ful age of xxjti yeeres, which shall first happen
Item I geve and bequeath vnto Edmund Dey late servant
vnto Raynold Rampley my sonne xxs to be payde to the sayd
Edmunde hys executores, or Assignes, within one yeare next
after my decease. Item I geve and bequeath, vnto euery one
of my god Chyldren, vjd to be payd them presently, after my
decease, Item I wyll and bequeath that all the poore people
of Walsham, aforsayd shall have meat and drincke yf yt
may be provided, or otherwyse at any other tyme at the
descrecion of my Executor, whome I constitute, Ordayne
and make Raynold Ramply, my sonne, payinge and
discharging, these my sayd legacyes aforenamed, accor-
dinge, to the true meaninge of thys my last wyll and
testament, The resydew of all my goodes, debtes, Catteles
movable, or Immoveable, of what kind or natur, soeuer
I geve and bequeath them wholy to Raynold Rampley
my sayd sonne, and executor befor mentioned, to bringe my
bodye to the earthe to godes mercye and pleasure, And Nicho-
las Reynard or Thetford, in the Countye of Norffolk and
Suffolk I desyring
Suffolk, I desyring to be my supervisor, of thys my presente
Testament, and last wyll In Consideracion of whose paines
I geve xxs. Those wytnes, Richard Eliot the younger
Wylliam Ryst Katherine Tylurd Margaret Rampley
cn. Alijs
Will of Richard Rampley 1 March 1584 (proved 27 December 1585)
SRO Reference: IC500/2/39
Book: J545/19
Date: 1585
Page: 363
Inventm. extenditon. summa
T. Richard Rampley de Walsham defunc.
///In the name of God Amen/// the first day of
March in the yeere of our lord god 1584 and in the
xxvijth yeere of the rayne of our soueraigne Ladye Elizabeth
by the grace of god Queene of England, Fraunce and Ireland
defender of the faythe etc. I Richard Rampley thelder of
Walsham in the Countye of Suffolk, yeoman , beinge whole of
minde, and of good perfect remembraunc, thankes be to god for the
same, doe make and Ordayne this my Last wyll and
testament in forme followinge. That ys to say, First I
Commend my soule into the mercyes of Almightye god
and my bodye to the yearth from whence yt came, therto
to remayne in full hope of A ioyfull resurrection to
Euerlastinge Lyf, purchased by the merrites death and
Passion of Iesus Chryst, wherby I Assuredly trust to be
saved, and by noe other meanes. And I geve to the poore
people of Walsham, aforesayd forty shyllinges of Lawfull
money of England, to be distributed among them by the
Discretion of myne Executor ymediatlye After my decease
And as touchinge the disposition of my stuff of howshold
Cattle, and Moveable goodes, together with the ward of hepp
and Marriage of Mary Sparke , which I have by letteres
patentes or otherwyse from our sayd soueraigne Ladye
and xxs yeerlye duringe her minoritye. I geve the
wholye to Ioahn my welbeloued wyf. And moreover
for the better mayntenaunc of my Chyldren in ther
Education, my wyll and mynd ys that my sayd wyf
and her Assignes shall have, and Inioye all my mea-
suage Tenemente and howses at Estend in Walsham aforsayd
As well those wherin I now dwell, as also that tenement
wherin the wyddowe Byrd inhabiteth with the yardes
Orchardes, and Pickell to the same tenemente belonginge
and other Appurtenances to them, and eyther of them belonging
together with the Landes, Pastures, and groundes called the
Holme groundes, to my sayd cheif howse belonginge
that ys to say, one close of pasture called Dowseas whalple
Croft, one peice of ground ther holden, by Copye of Court
Roll of the mannor of Walsham Church howse, Also one
Pightell , called Iackes Yard, holden by lyke coppye of the
mannor of Walsham. Item five acres of free ground
within the same Holme ground, Also three Acres of meadowe
being freehold and other three Acres of meadowe, holden
by Coppye of the Mannor of Walsham, sometymes Carteres
with the Yardes Gardens Orchyardes, and other thappurtenunces
to the premisses belonginge, and two closes which I purchased
if Iohn Robhoode thelder. Item one close called townsend
and one Close called the greene close, with one Meadow called
Buttishald Meadow, and one Arable Close Called
Rovers with thappurtenunces. To have and to hold the sayd
Messuage Tenementes howses landes Meadowes, pastures and
groundes, to the sayd Ioahne my wyf and her Assignes
for and duringe the terme of her Naturall lyf in true
recompenc, and full satisfaccion of hys right interest and
title of Dowre which she maie or ought to have in anye
Landes, tenementes, or hereditamentes whereof I stand sole seased
In fee simple, or fee tayle , at the tyme of my decease
From tyme, Duringe her sayd lyf. To the Lord and
Lordes of the fee and fees therof, the rentes, suytes , and services
to be dewe, and parable for the same, And kepinge lykwyse the
sayd Measuage and howses in sufficient, and resonable reparacions
And After the decease of my sayd wyf, I wyll that the sayd
Closes which I purchased of the sayd Iohn Robhood, and the sayd Close
Called Townsend, shall remayne to Ritchard my sonne
And to hys heyres foreuer, and After the decease of my sayd
wyff, I wyll lykewyse, that the sayd measuage howses, landes
Meadowes and pastures, Aswell free, as bond befor devised
to my sayd wyf for terme of her lyf, shall wholey re-
mayne to my sonne Ritchard Rampley, and hys heyres for
euer, Item I geve to the same Richard my sonne All that
my pasture, and ground, in Walsham aforsayd, Called, or known
by the name of Taylores. To haue and to hold the same
with thappurtenunces ymediatlye, from and After my decease
To the sayd Ritchard my sonne, and to hys heyres for euer.
Vppon thys Condition notwithstandinge followinge
That ys to saye, That my sayd sonne shall permitte and
suffer, my sayd wyf, and her Assignes To have perceyve
Take, and Carrye awaye yeerlye, duringe her Naturall
Lyf in the sayd close called Taylors, to hym lastlye before
geven, the wood for hys fewell of all suche trees ther, as
have beene heretofor stowed, lopped, or Cropped, to be brente
or spent vppon the harthes at her mansion howse or place
of Aboad, for her owne vse, without the Lawfull lett or
Contraccion of the sayd Richard, hys heyres or Assignes
with free Ingresse, egress and access, with men horses and Cartes
into, throughe, and vppon the sayd Close, and euery or any
part therof, at all convenient tymes, and seasons, aswell for
the Carriage of her sayd wood and fewell, as also for the
Carriage of her Haye and wood from the other groundes
before to her lymeted Provided alwayes, and yt is my
wyll and Intent That yf the sayd Richard my sonne
hys heyres, or Assignes shall refuse this to doe, or doe not
Accomplishe thys my wyll, in sufferinge my sayd
wyf, and her Assignes to take and Inioye the sayd
wood and fewell, and in Carriage of the sayd Hay and
wood, as ys Aforsayd. That then the sayd Ioane
my wyf, and her Assignes shall or maye Imeadiatly
from, and after suche deniall, or not Accomplishinge
as ys Aforsayd into the sayd close called Taylors, and
to have perceive and take the yeerlye profittes and
commodityes therof Duringe her lyf. And I geve to
Thomas my sonne All that my Measuage
and Tenemente howses, buyldinges, yardes Orchyardes
And Gardines In Walsham Aforsayd, which I purchased
of Raphe Stokes, with all the landes meadowes pastures
and groundes Thervnto now belonginge. That is to
weete Aswell those boeth free, and band which I bought of the
sayd Raphe
and other close counted by estimation vj Acres sometyme
Lewes> As also
those which I had lawfull conveyance
from Iohn Robhood the yonger, with thappurtenunces
counted by estimation vj Acres sometyme ewes. To
have, and to hold the sayd Measuage, Tenemente, howses, buildinges
yardes, Orchardes, gardeynes Landes Meadowes pastures
and groundes with the Appurtenunces, To the sayd Thomas
my sonne, and hys heyres ymediatlye from and after
suche tyme, as he shall or maye Accomplishe, hys full
age of twentye and one yeeres And moreover I wyll
and devyse to my sayd wyf the sayd messuage howses
landes and groundes last before Assigned to my sonne
Thomas, To hold to her, and her Assignes from the
daye of my decease, vntyll suche tyme as my sonne Thomas
shall or may Accomplishe hys full age of xxj yeeres
So that my sayd wyf, within two monthes next Insuing
my decease doe stand and become bounde with one sufficient
suertye with her, by foure seuerall obligations, to euery
of my fower Daughters, that ys to saye Alice the
wyff of
Wyff of Wylliam Linge, Agnes the wyfe of Thomas Wyllison
Rampley, and Anne Rampley for the payment
to every one of them, of suche Legacyes, and seuerall somes of money
and in suche manner and forme, as hereafter in this last wyll
And testament, shalbe sett Downe, and mentioned, with sayd
Obligations I wyll shalbe befor the Insealing of them, soone
And Allowed, by my loving brother Wylliam Stokes of
Wyverston and two of them which shall appurtayne to my two yongest
daughters, to be and remayne in the keepinge of the sayd Wylliam
to ther seuerall vses. And yf my sayd wyf shall refuse to
stand bounde with sufficient suertye, as yt Aforsayd, for the
payinge, and Awnswering of my sayd daughters, or any
of them the sayd somes as is before mentioned, Then I wyll
that my sonne Richard shall have perceyve, and take thissues
and profittes of the sayd Measuage, howses, landes, and groundes
last before Assigned to my sonne Thomas, vntyll the sayd
Thomas shall Accomplishe hys sayd age of xxj yeeres
And with the same yssues, and profittes, to Aunswere and paye
to my sayd foure Daughters the legacyes and somes of
Money befor mentioned, and that then my wyff, shall not
In any wyse intermeddle or take any proffites of the sayd
Measuage, howses, Landes, and groundes last befor recyted
or Any of them, Item I bequeathe vnto the sayd Alic
Linge my daughter, Fyftye poundes of Lawfull money
of England, to be payd vnto her within three yeeres next
Insuinge my decease. Item I geve, and bequeath to the sayd
Agnes Wyllison my daughter twentye poundes of like monye
To be payd to her within fower yeeres next Insuing my decease
Item I bequeath to Elizabeth my daughter fowreskore
poundes of lyke money to be payd to her, as yt shall or may
Aryse, and be levied of the sayd Issues and proffites to be taken
By my sayd wyff, or sone Richard, next After the sayd
Legacyes, shalbe payd to my sayd daughters Alic and
Agnes, According to my true meaninge hetoin befor speci-
fied, Also I bequeath to Ann Rampley, my daughter
one hundred poundes of like lawfull money, to be payd
vnto her
Vnto her by my sayd wyff or sonne Richard
within xiij yeeres, next Insuing my decease. And yf either
of my sayd daughters Elizabeth or Ann Rampley
shall happen to departe out of this lyf before her daye
of Marriage, or receyt of her sayd legacye, then I
wyll that the survivor of them shall enioy the part and
portion, of her soe deceasinge Provided alwayes, and
yt ys likewyse my intent and last wyll, that yf my
sayd wyf shall not stand contented, with suche partes and
portions, of my landes, tenementes, and hereditamentes, as I have
herein to her befor limyted, but shall lawfullye demand
any dowre in any of the measuages, howses, landes
tenimentes, or hereditamentes befor in any wyse, in thys my last
wyll and testamente mentioned, or to any person or persones
limited. or shall not paye and discharge the some and
somes of Money the legacyes, and bequestes of my
Mothers last wyll, which are therin mentioned by me
to be payd, Then I revoake all and euerye gyft
Legacye, and bequest of hir befor given, and wyll that
she shall take noe benifitte of thys my last wyll
And testament, or anye gyfte or bequest therin to her
made Provided also and yt is likewyse my last wyll
and testament, That yf god shall soe provide that
the sayd Richard my sonne, shall departe this lyff
before hys marriage had. Then I wyll that my sayd
wyf, shall have, and hold, all the sayd landes, tenementes
and hereditamentes to him befor lymited ymediatlye
After my decease, from the day of suche death
of the sayd Richard my sonne, vntyll the sayd Thomas
my son shall accomplishe hys full age of xxj
yeeres, paying and discharginge suche somes of
money legacyes and bequestes, as I or the landes
or groundes devised vnto me by the last wyll and
testament of Alice Rampley my mother are burd-
ned, or Charged, with all suche dayes and tymes, and
In suche manner, and forme, as isn the sayd wyll ys
set downe
Sett downe and Conteyned. And furthermore I
bequeathe to the three chyldren of my daughter Alce
Smithe , That ys to say Richard Ann and Nicholas
to euery of them xxs to be payed by my wyff, as they
shall attayne to ther age of xxj yeeres, or at ther day
of Marriage, which shall first happen, Also I geve to Richard
Willison, and Elizabeth Wyllison the Chyldren of my
Daughter Agnes Wyllison to eache of the same Chyldren
xxs to be payd to eyther of them, as they shall attayne
to ther full age of xxj yeeres, or at ther dayes of
Marriage, which shall first happen. And finallye of thys
my last wyll and testament, I doe Constitute and Appoint
the sayd Ioane my wyf, and Richard my sonne, to be
thexecutors and my loving friend Wylliam Stokes
of Wyverston Supervisor of the same, to whom for hys
paynes to be taken therin I geve xxs over and besyde
hys Charges to be disburshed, about the seuerall therof
In wyttnes wherof I have herevnto sett my seale
and subscribed my name the daye and yeere, aboue
wrytten. In the presence of vs Thomas Lacye. Thomas Page
Will of John Rampley 25 February 1585 (proved 21 March 1585)
SRO Reference: IC500/2/39
Book: J545/19
Date: 1585
Page: 389
T. Iohis Rampley senior de Walsham
in the Wyllowes
///In the name of god Amen,/// the xxvti daye of
Februarye, in the yeere of our lord god 1585 and in the
yeere and reigne of our soueraygne Ladye Elizabeth by
the grace of god, Queene of England, Fraucen and
Ireland, defender of the faythe etc. the xxvijth I Iohn
Rampley the Elder of Walsham in the Wyllowes within the
Countye of Suffolk, beinge of good mind, and in good and
perfect remembranc, thankes be geven to god, doe ordayne
and make this my presente testament, concerninge herin my
Last wyll, in manner and forme followinge that ys to say
First I commend my sowle into the handes of Almightye
god, my onlye savior and redeemer, and my body to be buryed
in the Churchyard of Walsham Aforesayd, And I geve and
bequeath to Iohn my sonne, my tenement that I nowe
dwell in situate and being in Vpstreete in Walsham
Aforesayd, with the Appurtenunces and all my landes medowes
Feedinges, and pastures, boeth free and bond, to him, and to
his heyres for euer, onlye except the parlor and the Chamber
over the Butterye, which I wyll that Katherin my wyf
shall have, duringe her Naturall lyf with free egresse and
regresse into and from the same, aswellfor her selfe, as
alsoe for any of her freindes at her or ther pleasures, and
after the decease of Katherin my wyff, I wyll they
shall remayne wholy to Iohn my sonne, as ys aforesayd
And I wyll she shall have yeerlye, during her Naturall
lyf, one hundred of one bend woode, accordinge to the Custom
of the Countrye, tobe layd into the yard, at the Cast and
Charges, of Iohn my sonne, or hys Assignes, and A Conve-
nient place to sett yt in, Item I wyll that Iohn my sonne
shall paye, or cause to be payd, vnto Katherin my wyf
or to her Assignes, fyve poundes of lawfull Englishe mony
yeerly during her naturall lyf, at two vsuall tymes in the
yeere, that is to say, at the feastes of thannunciacion of the
blessed vyrgin Marye, and St Michaell tharchangell
by equall and even portions, to be payd at the Mantion
House, that I now dwell in, and I wyll, that Katherin
my wyf shall have half the fruite, growinge in and
vppon the premisses yerely, duringe her Naturall lyf
Item I geve and bequeath to Symon my sonne, to his
Heyres, and Assignes, threeskore poundes of lawfull
Englishe money, to be payd to him, by the handes of Iohn
my sonne, his heyeres ad Assignes in manner and
forme followinge, that is to saye fortye shyllinges yeerlye
during the Naturall lyfe of Katherin my wyf And
After the decease of Katherin my wyf six poundes
yeerlye, vntyll the some of threeskore poundes be fully
satisfied, contented and payd, And If Iohn my sonne
doeth not observe, fulfyll and paye, all my legacyes and
gyftes, before bequeathed and mentioned, in this my wyll
Then I wyll that Symond my sonne shall have my
tenement, And all my landes aforesayd, to him and to
his heyres foreuer, paying to Iohn my sonne as Symon
my sonne
My sonne shold haue had, and fulfillinge my wyll as Iohn
my sonne shold haue done, Item I geve, and bequeath to
Symond my sonne, tenn poundes, of lawfull Englishe
money, to be payd to him, by the handes of myne Executores
Immediately after my decease, Item I geve and bequeath
to Iohn my sonne, and to Katherin my wyf, and to euerye
of them five poundes of lawfull Englishe money, to be
payd to themby the handes of myne Executors Immediatlye
After my decease, Provided alwayes, my mind and
Intent ys, that yf Katherin my wyff, doe make anye
clayme, and tytle into the Dowrye or thirdes of any of my
Landes or tenement Aforesayd, and into the third or dowrye
of one Medowe, which I sold to my Cosen Raynold Ramply
then I wyll that all the legacyes and gyftes which I
heue geven to her before, in this my wyll, to be vtterly
vnto her voyd, and of none Effect. Anye thinge in this
my wyll to the Contratye notwithstandinge Item I wyll
that Iohn my sonne shall not enter into my tenement
and lande aforesayd, vntill the Michelmas next after my
decease. And I wyll that Katherin my wyf, shall take
all the Issues, and profittes of my tenement, and landes aforesayd
And Also of corne and Cattle, and all other thinges as I my
self doe now Occupye, vntyll suche, tyme, as Iohn my
sonne, shall happen to enter into the premisses, discharging
Lord and kinge, and makinge neyther stryfe norwaste
Item I geve to Iohn my sonne, my Carte ploughe, and
Tumbrell and all the furniture that vnto them doe belong
The resydew of all my moveable goodes of what degree
kind or name soeuer they be, onlye exceptinge my
wyfes Lynninge and Apparell, which I wyll she shall have
at her discretion, I wyll they shalbe equallye devided
at the Michaelmas after my decease, betwene Katerin
my wyf, and Iohn and Symon my sonnes by equall
and even portions, And to the executores of thys my present
testament and last wyll, I doe Ordayne and make my
Cosen Richard Rampley, and my Cosen Raynold Rampley
Myne Executores and I geve to eyther of them for ther
paynes tenn shillinges over and esydes all charges for the
Probate of my wyll, which I wyll shalbe deducted out of
my Moveables, these to wyttnes Thomas Bridges
Wylliam Beffewe, and Wylliam Hayws, and Wylliam
Weather thelder. Also I does surrender, my tenement and
Landes aboue wrytten, into the handes of the Lord, by the
handes of William Weather, in the presence of Richard Cooke
And Thomas Brydges to the vse of my wyll.
Will of Katherine Rampley 31 January 1587 (proved 27 February 1587)
SRO Reference: IC500/2/40
Book: J545/19
Date: 1587
Page: 123
///In the name/// of god, the xxxj day of the month of Ianuary
In the yeere of our lord god, 1587, and in the thirtye yeere
of the Raygne of our soueraygne lady Elizabeth by the
grace of god, Quene of England, Fraunce and Ireland
defender of the faythe et. I Katherin Rampley of Walsham
Lee Wyllowes in the County of Suffolk wedowe, late
wyf of Iohn Rampley of Walsham aforesayd deceased
being of whole mind and perfect Remembraunc, thankes
be to Almightye god, doe make and Ordayne this present
my Last wyll and testament in manner and following
First I bequeath my sowle into the mightyfull handes of
Almightye god my only savior and Redeemer, and my bodye
I committ to the yerth from whenc yt came, to be seemly
and Chrystianally byryed. Item I bequeath to Fraunces
Maram my Neece weedowe (late wyff of Thomas Maram
of Mildnall fortye shyllinges of good and lawfull
Englishe moneyto be payd within two yeeres after my
decease, Item I geve vnto the sayd Fraunces, one
playne trendle bedsteed , one yoynted litle backe chayre
one payre of sheetes, and two yard Carchyfes , Item
I geve to my sester Alice Wase wyddowe (late the
wyf of Wylliam Wase, my best gowne, and five shyllinges
of lawfull englishe money, and that all those my gyftes
be deliuered immediatlye after my decease (except the
fortye shyllinges to Frauncis Maram) by the handes
of myne Executor hereafter named, the resydewe of
all my goodes aswell within the howse, as without of what
tytle, name or degreesoeuer they be called, with the five
poundes that my Cosen Raynold Rampley oweth me
I geve them
I geve them wholye vnto Andrew Hawys my kinsman
whome I doe Ordayne and make my sole Executor
of this my last wyll and testament, In wyttnes hereof
I have sette my hande and seale, These to wyttnes
Thomas Bridges, and Thomas Sparke.
Will of Regnolde Ramplie 28 January 1589 (proved 4 June 1590)
SRO Reference: IC500/2/41
Book: J545/20
Date: 1590
Page: 341
///Raginaldi Ramplie///
///In the name of god amen/// The eight and
twentith daie of Ianuarye In the yeare of our Lorde One thow
sande fyue hundreth fowre skore and nyne And in the yeare and
Reigne of our Sovereigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god
of England Fraunce and Ireland Quene defender of the
faith etc. The two and thirtith I Regnolde Ramplie of
Walsham in the willowes within the Countie of Suffolk yeoman
being of whole mynde and in good and perfecte remembraunce
thankes be given to god do make and ordeine this my present
testament concerninge herein my laste will in manner and
forme followinge (that is to saie) First I comende my
soule into the mercifull handes of almightie god my onlie
Savior and Redemer trustinge and faithfullie belevinge
To be on of the nomber of his electe Children and that I shall
ryse againe at the laste daie and rest with Abraham Isaac
and Iacob in the Kyngdome of heaven And my bodie I
comitte to the earth from whence yt came Inprimis I giue
and bequeath to Margarett my welbeloved wife aswell my
messuage and tenemente that I now dwell in with all the
landes meadowes and pastures that to them doth now
belonge lying together within yt selfe with thappurtenunces
and all the landes meadowes and pastures both free and
coppie that I purchased of Thomas Robhoode Excepte
one Acre of free lande lying at the weste ende of William
Barrams Tennemente and sydes vpon the kynges heigh waie
towardes the north and my messuage or Tenement that I
purchased of Stephen Harris and all the landes
therevnto belonginge both free and bonde, together with
theire appurtenunces for and during the terme of her
naturall life And after the decease of Margarett my
wife I giue and bequeath all my messuages and Tenementes
landes meadowes and pastures aforesaid to Margarett
my daughter and to her heires for ever. And
moreover I giue and bequeath to Margarett my daughter
in consideracion and in full recompence and sattisfaction
of all the legacies and giftes that my mother gaue vnto her
by her laste will and testament my woode called Luchedale
woode and the aforesaid free Acre of lande lyinge at
the West ende of William Barrams tenemente to her
and her heires for ever And I will she shall enter
them ymediatlie after my departure. Also I giue and bequeath
to Richard Elliott my sonne in lawe and to Elizabeth his wife
all my landes meadowes and pastures that I purchased of
Thomas Hovell alias Smyth of Wyverston and the pightell
that I purchased of Iohn Iames of Westroppe to them and
to theire heires for ever. Item I giue and bequeath to the
saide Richard Elliott and to Elizabeth his wife all my landes
meadowes and pastures called or knowne by the name Hartisall
which I had to me and myne heires by the last will and testament
of Richarde Ramplie my father And all the meadow and pasture
that I purchased of Iohn Ramplie of Vpstreete together with
theire appurtenunces to them and to theire heyres for ever
Vpon condicion that the saide Richard Elliott his heires
Executors or assignes doth paie or cause to be paide vnto me
the saide Regnolde Ramplie or to myne Executors or assignes
the full and whole some of one hundred powndes of lawfull
English monye at or before the feaste daie of the nativitie of our
Lorde god otherwise called Chrystmas daie which shalbe in the
yeare of our lorde god One thowsande fyve hundred nynetie
and one And I will that Margarett my wife shall take the
yssues and profittes of all my landes meadowes and pastures
aforesaide which I haue given to Richard Elliott and to
Elizabeth his wife for and during the terme of one whole
yeare next after my decease And I will that Margarett
my wife shall haue suffitiens wood for her fewell in and vpon
the meadowes landes and pastures aforesaid for and during
the terme of her naturall life, and that she or her assignes
shall have free egress and regress into and from the premisses with
horse carte and man to stowe cropp and shredd anye manner
of stowinge and them to leade and carrie awaie at such
sesonable tymes as shalbe least hurtfull to the said Richard
and Elizabeth or to theire heires or assignes And also
I giue and bequeath to Margarett my wife my pightle called
Seares pightle to her and to her heires for ever Item I giue to the
Church of Walsham in consyderation of my mothers funerall and
myne xxs Item I giue to the pore people in Walsham xls to
be paide to them in sixe yeares next after my decease (that is to
saie) alwaies in the firste weeke in cleane lente vjs viijd and
so forth yearlie everie yeare vjs viijd vntill the some of xls
be fullie sattisfied contented and paide alwaies to be paide by
myne Executors. Item I giue to Iohn Carleton my sisters sonne
fyue powndes to be paide to him by Margarett my daughter within
two yeares next after she shall enter my tenementes and landes
aforesaid And furthermore I giue and bequeath to Margarett
my welbeloved wife all my moveale goodes aswell within the house
as without of what degree kynde or name or title so ever theie
be called Vpon Condicion that she take all my debtes
and discharge and paie aswell all my mothers legacies as also
all my debtes and legacies that canne or maie be lawfullie
required whome I do ordeine and make to the true Execution
of this my laste will and testament myne Executrix and
Iohn Clerke of Mildenhall my brother in lawe and Richard
Elliott my sonne in lawe Supervisors And I giue to either of
them for theire paynes over and besydes alll charges tenne
shillinges a pece In wittnes hereof vnto this my presente
testament and laste will I haue sette my hande and my
seale Theis to wittnes Iohn Grocer Iohn Baker
William Hawys and William Rise By me Iohn Townsend
Also I do surrender all my coppie holde landes and
tenementes that I holde of the chiefe manner into the handes
of the lorde by the handes of Iohn Grocer and Iohn Iesope
in the presence of William Hawys and Nicholas Grocer
to the vse of my will.
Also I do Surrender all my coppie holde landes that
I holde of the manner of the Churchowse into the handes
of the lorde by the handes of William Hawys in the
presence of Nicholas Grocer to the vse of my will
By me Raynolde Rampley .
Note that there is a separate version of this will, proved the day before, available from the Norfolk Record Office. Here is the header:
Will of Reynolde Ramplye 28 January 1589 (proved 3 June 1590)
NRO Reference: 417 [MF67] Origin: Norwich Consistory Court
The full transcript of both versions, and comparison between the two is available in the Word document.
Will of Richard Ramply 28 July 1600 (proved 14 December 1600)
SRO Reference: IC500/2/45
Book: J545/23
Date: 1600
Page: 89
///In the name of God Amen///
The eight and twentith day of Iuly in the yeare of our Lord God 1600
and in the two and fortith yeare of the raigne of our Soueraigne Lady
Quene Elizabeth etc. I Richard Ramply of Fakenham Magna
in the Countie of Suffolk husbandman sicke of bodie and of perfect
///remembrance/// (thankes be vnto Almightie God) doe ordeine and make this
my last will and Testament in manner and forme followinge. First I doe willinglie
and with a free hart render and give againe into the hand of Almightie God, my soule
which he gave to me at the begininge when as he did fashion me in my Mothers wombe
and my body I Committ to the earth whereof it was first made hopinge and stedfastlie
beleevinge that by the merit and death of Christ Iesus my Redeemer both my soule
and bodie shalbe made partaker of everlastinge life in heaven. And my said bodie I
will to be buried in the Churchyard of Fakenham aforesaid. ///Item/// I give unto
Richard Ramply my sonne all my wollen Apparell. viz. coate, dublette, hose, hatts
and cloake And one black cowe. ///Item/// I give vnto Margarett my daughter one
Featherbed, and bolster with all other the furniture and appurtenance therevnto beloginge,
together with one bedsteed nowe in my bed chamber: and alsoe all my linnen whatsoeuer
nowe in my house and all my woll and one peece of Russet Cloth for a wastecoate
///Item/// I give vnto the said Margarett my daughter the summe of sixe poundes thir-
tene shillings and fower pence of lawfull english money to be paid vnto her by mine
executor in manner and forme hereafter expressed: viz. five nobles thereof yearely
and everie yeare duringe the terme of fower yeares next followinge after my decease
In Condideracion whereof I doe give and bequeath vnto my said Executor and his heires
for ever all, my house or messuage and land lyenge and being in Fakenham Magna afore-
said. And if my said Executor and his heires shall not effectuallie pay or cause to be
paid the said summe and everie peece thereof as is aforesaid within one moneth next after
lawfull request and demand thereof made at my said house by the said Margarett
or her Assignes: Then I will my former gifte of my said house and land to mine Executor
and his heiers to be vtterlie void, and the same to remaine fullie and wholie vnto the said
Margarett my daughter and her heiers. ///Item/// I will that all my houshold stuffe
and implementes of houshold not named before shall be equallie parted and devided to and
betwene the said Richard my sonne and Margarett my daughter within one month next
after my decease at the discrecion of henrie Rowse Clerke, Roberte Stepny: and
Thomas Doo Yeomen, of Fakenham Magna aforesaid, or anie two of them. The residue
of all my goodes and chattells not before bequeathed, my debte beinge paid, my legacies
discharged my body decentlie buried not before bequeathed, my debte being paid my le-
gacies discharged my body decentlie buried , and this my last will and Testament
all thinges fullfilled, I doe fully and wholy give, and bequeath vnto the said Richard Ramply
my sonne whome I doe ordaine and make my sole and onelie Executor of this my said
last will and Testament, and I doe …intr…a… and ordaine the said henrie Rowse Roberte
Stepny and Thomas Doo to be Supervisors of the same. ///In wittness/ whereof
to this my said last will and Testament I have sett my marke and seale the day and yeare
above written in the presence of Henrie Rowse and Thomas Doo. The marke and seale of
the Testator
Will of William Rampley 31 January 1602 (proved 21 November 1603)
SRO Reference: IC500/2/45
Book: J545/23
Date: 1603
Page: 284
///In the name of God amen///
the last day of Ianuary In the yeare of our lord god
one Thousand six hundred and two And in the fiue and
forteth yeare of the rainge of our soverainge lady Elizabeth
by the grace of god Queene of England France and Ireland defender
of the faith etc ///I William Rample/// of Vpper Ricking-
hall in the county of Suffolk husbandman being of good and perfect me-
mory thankes be vnto all mightie god doe ordaine and make this my pre-
sent Testament and last will in this manner and forme followinge
First I bequeath and comend my sowle into the handes of all mightie
god my creator and reedemer, and my bodie to the earth in True
and certaine hope of resurrection to eternall life thorough Iesus
Christ our only lord and saviour Item I geve and bequeath vnto
Alice my wife all that my tenement and messuage wherein I
dwell with the yard and backside thereto belonging conteyning by
estimation three Roodes of ground being copy hold holden on the manor
of Fitz Iohn in Rickinghall aforesaid, To haue and to hould all my
said Tenement with the yard and backside thereto belonging with
all and singular thappurtenances vnto the said Alice my wife and her
Assignes during all the Terme of her naturall life keping my
howses in good and sufficient reparations And after the death of
the said Alice my wife, I geve and bequeath all my said copy hold
Tenement with all and singular Thappurtenances vnto my said sonnne Willi
am Rample To haue and to hould vnto the said William my sonne
his heires and Assignes for ever by copie of court rolle according
to the custome of the said manour vpon this condition followinge
that is that the said William his heires Executors or Assignes
doe pay
doe pay or cause to be paide vnto his two sisters Dorathie and Anne
to ech of them fowre poundes in manner and forme followinge that is
at Michaelmas one wholle yeare next after the death of the said
Alice my wife to Dorathie my daughter Twenty shillinges And vpon
Michaelmas day next after that to An my daughter Twenty shillinges
And so forth yearly vpon the said day called Michaelmas day Twenty shillinges
a yeare to the oldest first and the next yeare after to the other vntill
the said somme of fowre poundes to ech of them be fullie satisfied, And the said
money to be allwaies paide at or in my said Tenement wherein I
dwell Prouided allwaies that if the said William Rample … … … his
heires Executors or Assignes shall refuse to pay this said … … or to
eyther of them their said severall legacies of Fowre poundes a peece
Then I will that my said daughters their heires or Assignes shall haue
authoritie By vertue of this my last will and Testament to enter into
my said Tenement and ground thereto belonginge, And shall leaue
the same and take the farme thereof yearely arisinge and pay themselues
their said Legacies of Fowre povndes to ech of them Prouided alsoe
that if eyther of my said daughters shall depart this world without
yssue of their bodie lawfullie begotten and before their said legacie
be due vnto them, Then I will that their said guifte shall die alsoe
Item I will that if the said William my sonne shall depart this world
before Alice my wife and without yssue of his bodie lawfullie begotten
Then I will that my said Tenement with the ground thereto belonging
shall remaine to my said daughters their heires and Assignes, And
they to enter into yt after the death of the said Alice my wife
Item I giue and bequeath vnto the said Alice my wife all my goodes
moueables, housholdstuffe, brasse, and pewter of what kind soever they
be to her and to her heires for ever Item I doe constitute and ap-
poynt the said Alice my wife to be my soole Executrix of this my
last will and Testament ///In wytnesse/// hereof I haue set my
hand and seale to this my last will In the presence of Robert Dowe
clarke Robert Dowe the Younger Thomas Shepard and others
///Memorandum/// that the surrender of my copy hold Tenements with the yard
and backside thereto belonging was geven into the handes of Robert Dowe
the Younger copy hold Tenement of the manor of Fitz Iohn In the presence
of Thomas Shepard alsoe copy holder of the said manour for the vse of
this my last will and Testament witnesse alsoe Robert Dowe clarke
Will of John Ramplie 10 April 1613 (proved 27 September 1613)
SRO Reference: IC500/2/48
Book: J545/25
Date: 1613
Page: 248
///In the name/// of god Amen, The tenthe daie of
Aprill in the yere of our Lord god one Thouusannd sixe
hundred and Thirtene, I Iohn Ramplie of Walsham le Willowes
in the Countie of Suffolk yeoman beinge of good Remembrance thanckes
be given to god for it, doe ordeine and make this my last will and Testament
in manner and forme followinge, First I commend my soule into the
handes of Allmightie god, hopinge by the deathe and passion of our
Lord and saviour Iesus Christ to have Remission and pardon of all my
synnes, And I Comytt my bodie to the earth whereof it was made
to be buryed in x…pistall buryall whereit shall please god to call me
First I giue and bequeath vnto Iohn Ramplie my sonne my twoe
Coppie hould Tenementes and all my landes both free hould and Coppie hould
vnto them belonginge to have and to hould to him my said sonne
Iohn Ramplie and to his heires forever, And he to enter the same
landes and Tenements presentlie after my decease vpon this Condycion
followinge, that he my said sonne Iohn his heires executors Administrators
and Assignes or any of them shall paie vnto Elizabeth Ramplie
my dawghter or her assignes the somme of fowreskore poundes of
lawfull monie of England when she the said Elizabeth shall accomp-
lishe her age of Twentie and one yeares or at her daie of marriage
which shall happen to come first, And yf it shall fortune that my saide
dawghter Elizabeth shall dye and departe this worlde before she shall
attaine to the age of one and Twentie yeres and not married, Then
I will that Iohn my sonne shall paie or cause to be paid vnto my other
dawghter Dorothie the somme of fortye poundes of Lawfull money of
England of the said somme of Fowreskore when she my said dawghter
Dorothie shalbe of the of the full age of one and Twentie yeres, And alsoe that
my sonne Iohn his heires Executors Administrators or Assignes or
anye of them shall vpon the Condycion before mentyoned paie or cause
to be paid vnto Dorothie my other dawghter or to her Assigne the somme
of fowreskore poundes of like monie aforesaid to be paid vnto her my
said dawghter Dorothie when shee shall accomplishe her age of Twentye
and one yeres or at her daie of Marriage which shall happen to come
<> first, And yf it shall happen that Dorothie my dawghter shall dye
and depart this worlde before she shall come to the age of xxj li yeres
and not married; Then I will that my said sonne Iohn shall paie or
cause to be paid vnto Elizabeth my said dawghter yf she be then
lyvinge or to her heires of her bodie yf she shall fortune to have anye
the somme of Fortie poundes of lawfull monie of England of the fowre-
skore poundes gyven vnto the said Dorothie to be paid vnto the said Elizabeth
my dawghter at the tyme when my said dawghter Dorothie should
have byne of the age of one and Twentie yeres, And yf it shall chance
that my said sonne Iohn his heires Executors Administrators and assignes
or anie of them shall refuse and make defalte of anie of the saide
paymentes appointed to anie of my said dawghters when they or anie
of them oughte to be paid, in manner and forme aforesaid, Then I will that
my said dawghter or dawghters Elizabeth and Dorothie ther
heires executors Administrators or assignes shall enter into all my said lande
and Tenementes bothe Coppiehould and freehould and the same to enioye
and posses vnto them or to their Assignes duringe the tyme and soe
longe as they or either of them shall satisfie them selves of the said
somme and sommes of Fowreskore poundes apeece and their charges ther
to belonginge or anie other somme which to either of them shalbe dewe and
noe longer, Item I giue and bequeathe vnto Elizabeth Ramplie my
Dawghter more one posted bedstead with a wyned Tester therto, with
the beddinge therwith furnished as it stand in the parlor chamber
And alsoe twoe hutches standinge in the said Chamber, Item I giue
and bequeath vnto Dorothie my said dawghter one posted bedstead with
a stained Tester to the same as it is furnished with beddinge as it stand-
ethe in the said parlor Chamber, And alsoe twoe hutches one newe one
and a litle ould one as they stand in the said parlor chamber, Item I
giue vnto my said dawghters fowre of my Mylche Neate twoe a peece
to be indifferentie chosen owte of my dayre to inioye cthem at Michell-
mas twelve moneths after my decease to be deliuered them by necs
Executor, Item I giue and bequeath vnto my Children all my lynnen
and Naperie to be equallie deuided amongst them, And all the residue
of my moveable goodes vnbequeathed and not before given, I giue them
vnto Iohn Ramplie my sonne whom I haue made my sole Executor vnto
this my last will and Testament hopinge that he will faithfullie
discharge the same as a good Consience dothe require And have contey
ned the same in three sheetes of paper, In wittnes hereof
to this my last will I haue sette my hand and seale in the daie and yere
first aboue wrytten In the presence of vs Thomas Ramplie Thomas
Parker Steven Vincent and Edward Clarke, Thomas Ramplie Steven
Vyncent Thomas Parker Edward Clarke, the marke of Iohn Ramplie
Will of Thomas Rampley 20 February 1648 (proved 11 July 1649)
SRO Reference: IC500/2/60
Book: J545/35
Date: 1649
Page: 220
///In dei nomie Amen/// the Twentieth day of February In
the yeare of the Incarnacion of our Lord Christe One Thousand six
hundred Fortie and Eighte I Thomas Rampley thelder of Walsham
in the countie of Suffolk doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testament
in manner and forme followinge First I commend my soule into the hands
of Almighty God my Creator and Redeemer My body I committ to christian buriall
at the discrecion of my Executors Item I give vnto the poore people of the said towne
of Walsham the summe of Five pounds of lawfull money And my will and meaninge
is that Agnes Grymsy widowe shall haue her dwelling in the house where she now
liveth during her naturall life Not paying anythinge therefore All and singuler the rest and
residue of my goods and chattels Creditts debts ymplementes of housholdstuffe or other
personall Estate whotsoeuer I give and bequeath vnto Thomas Rampley my sonne
who I ordeyne and make the sole Executor of this my last will and Testament In wittnes
whereof I haue putte my hand and seale the day and yeare abouesaid these being
wittnesses Iohn Page Iohn Rampley Thomas Rampley
Will of William Rampley 21 May 1662 (proved 16 June 1662)
SRO Reference: IC500/2/62
Book: J545/36
Date: 1662
Page: 349
///In the name/// of God Amen I William Ramply of Vpper Rickinghall
in the Countie of Suffolk husbandman doe ordaine and make this my last
will and Testament in manner and forme following First I give and
bequeath vnto Amy my wife All that my Mesuage or Tenement wherein I
and Robert Nun now dwell with the yards pightell and appurtenunces therevnto
belonging scituate and being in Vpper Rickinghall aforesayd To hold to her and her
Assignes for and during the terme of her naturall life And after her decease I
give the same vnto Edmund Ramply my sonne and his heires and Assignes forever
Upon Condicion notwithstanding that he the sayd Edmund my sonne his heires
Executors Administrators or Assignes shall well and truely pay or cause to be payd the
Legacies after mencioned in manner and forme following that is to say the full
summe of Fiftie shillings of lawfull English money vnto Martha my daughter now the
wife of Thomas Marriott within one yeare next after the decease of the said Amye my
wife Fiftie shillings of like lawfull money vnto Barbara my daughter now the
wife of the said Robert Nun within two whole yeares next after my said wiues decease
Fiftie shillings of like lawfull money vnto the said Martha within three whole yeares
next after the decease of my said wife Fiftie shillings of like money vnto the said Barbara
within foure whole yeares next after the decease of my said wife Fiftie shillings of like
lawfull money vnto the said Martha within five whole yeares next after my said wiues decease
Fiftie shillings of like lawfull money vnto the said Barbara within six whole yeares next
after my said wiues decease Fiftie shillings of like lawfull money vnto the said Martha with
in Seauen years next after my sayd wiues decease And Fiftie shillings of like lawfull
money vnto the said Barbara within Eight yeares next after my said wiues
decease All which payments to be paid to them the said Martha and Barbara And in case
they or either of them be dead to their and either of their seuerall and respectiue Children
at the seuerall times aforesaid at or in the South porch of the parish Church of Vpper Rickinghall
aforesaid And in case either of my said daughters shall depart this life without yssue of
their bodyes lawfully begotten and before theire legacies soe behynd and vnpayd shall remaine and
be vnto the sayd Edmund my sonne his Executors and Assignes And if it shall happen that
Default shall be made in payment of any of the said summes of money contraty to the forme
Aforesaid That then and from thentsforth it shall and may be lawfull to and for the sayd
Martha and Barbara their Executors and Assignes or eyther of them vnto the said Mesuage
or Tenement and premisses with their appartenunces to enter and the same to haue hold and enioy
untill they and either of them be fully satisfied their sayd legacies with the arrerages
thereof together with all such charges as she they or either of them shall be putt vnto
by reason of the Non payment of the said legacies Item I nominate and appoint the
said Amy my wife and the said Edmund my sonne Executors of this my will In wittnes
whereof I haue herevnto sett my hand and seale the one and twenty day of May in the
yeare of our Lord One Thousand six hundred sixtie and two and in the xiiij yeare of the
Raigne of King Charles the 2 the marke of William Ramply sealed published and
declared to be my last will and Testament in the presence of Iohn Rust Samuell Smyth
Iames Howchin
Will of John Rampley 20 August 1667 (proved 16 October 1667)
SRO Reference: IC500/2/64
Book: J545/37
Date: 1667
Page: 245
In the name of God Amen the three and twentieth Day
of August in the eighteenth yeare of the Raigne of our Soueraigne Lord
Charles the second by the grace of God King of England Scotland
France and Ireland Defender of the faith etc. I John Rampley of Tostocke
in the county of Suffolk yeoman being healthfull both in body and mynde Doe
make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in manner and forme
following First and above all thinges I commende my soule into the hands
of Almightie God and my body I committ to christian buriall to be interred
eyther in the Church yard of Tostocke aforesayd or of Walsham in the willowes
in the County of Suffolk vnto which parish I shall live neerest at the time of my
Death And as concerning my worldely Estate wherewith God hath blessed me
I dispose thereof as followeth In primis my will and meaneing is that Gregory
Woods of Risby in the county of Suffolk Chirurgeon and William Muninge
of Chevington in the county of Suffolk gent my Kinsman whom I intend
to make Executors of this my will shall and will soe soon as conueniently
they can after my decease possesse themselues of all and singular righte
Creditts plate and housholdstuffe and personall Estate whatsoeuer and alsoe
of all my interest estate terme and Demand whatsoever limited to me or
my Assignes after my death of to ont or in any Lands and Tenements whatsoever
in Walsham aforesayd And shall cause a true and perfect Inventory thereof
to be made and duely exhibite the same And that they the said Gregory and
William and the Survivors of them their Executors and Assignes shall and
will deteine and keepe in their hands All and singuler my said goods and
Chattels plate and personall Estate aforesaid and improve the same to the best
advantage they can untill Mary my Daughter shall accomplish her Age
of One and twenty yeares or day of marriage which shall first happen And
in the meane time I will that the sayd Gregory and William the Survivors
of them their Executors or Assignes shall and will give allowe and paye
unto my sayd Daughter or her Assignes soe much of the yearely revenews
and profitts ariseing of said goods and chattels and personall Estate as
aforesayd yearely and every yeare for her present maintenance & educacion
as they shall thinke fitt and convenient (my Debts and Funerall Expences
being first discharged and payd and the seuerall Sumes of Twenty Shillings
apiece allowed to them the sayd Gregory and William out of my personall
Estate which I freely give vnto them and either of them for their care
and paines herein) And from and after my said Daughters sayd Age
or day of marriage which shall first happen Then I give and bequeath
all my said goods and chattells housholdstuffe and personall Estate what
soever aforesayd and all Revennews and profitts ariseing of the same and
remaining over and aboue such allowance to be made and given to my
said daughter as aforesayd vnto the said Mary my daughter her Executors
and Assignes to be payd and Deliuered vnto her or them within three
moneths next after my said Daughters said age or Day of marriage by the
said Gregory and William their Executors or Assignes at the parish Church
porch of Tostock aforesaid And my will and meaning is that if my sayd
daughter shall Depart this life before her sayd Age and vnmarried Then
I will that all and Singular my goods chattells and personall Estate what
soever aforesaid remaining in the hands of the sayd Gregory and William
as aforesayd shall be equally payd parted and Devided betweene John
Baker Elizabeth Baker Amie Baker Alice Baker and Sara
Baker sonnes and Daughters of William Baker my late Brother
in lawe and of Elizabeth his wife my sister both deceased and betweene Ione
Cofe and Margarett Cofe Daughters of my late sister Dorothy Cofe and William
Cofe her husband both husband and wife Deceased to be payd and Deliuered vnto them their
Executors or Assignes at Tostock Church porch aforesayd within three
moneths next after my sayd Daughters Decease And I nominate ordaine
and appoint the sayd Gregory Woodes and William Muninge Executors of
this my last will and Testament desireing them to performe the same
according to my trust in them reposed In witness whereof and in acknow-
ledgment of this my last will and Testament I have herevnto putt my
hand and seale the day and yeare first aboue written John Rampley
Sealed and acknowledged in the presence of Hannah Hawys Dorothi
Harding William Hawys
Will of Richard Ramplye 31 May 1759 (proved 27 May 1760)
NRO Reference: 237 [MF440] Origin: Norwich Consistory Court
In the Name of God Amen the Thirty first Day of May
in the Year of our Lord God One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty
Nine and in the thirty Second Year of the Reign of our most Gracious
Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great
Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and so Forth
I Richard Ramplye of Garboldisham in the County of Norfolk
Yeoman being very weak in Body but of Sound and Perfect Mind and
Memory thanks be given unto Almighty God Therefore calling unto
Mind the Mortality of my Body and knowing that it is Appointed for
all Men Once to Die do make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament
That is to Say Principally and first of all I Give and recommend my
Soul into the Hands of Almighty God our Heavenly Father that it
and my Body I recommend to the Earth to be Buried in Decent and
Christian Burial at the Discretion of my Executor here after named
and as what I have to Dispose of is of my own getting after Paying my
Just and Lawfull Debts Funeral Expenses and such lawfull dememands
as my be due at the time of my Decease I Give Bequeath and dispose
of the same in the following manner and form Item I Give and Bequeath
unto John and Susanna Ramplye my Children all and Singular my Stock
that is to say All my Household Goods Cattle of all kinds that I am
Possest of, Corn of all sorts whether in the Barn House or Crops on
the Ground Also all Moneys Bills, Bonds, Debts Mortgages to me
any ways due or owing at the Time of my Decease to be equally
divided between the said John Ramplye my son and Susanna
Ramplye my Daughter in Just and equal portions and Whereas
I am at this Possed of a Farm by Lease under and is the Property of
Mr. Robert Qunce of Honiton in the County of Suffolk and as I have
been at some expense in Manuaing the Land and making and improving
the same the said Mr. Quince has promised me that I should be
Allow’d in reasonable Satisfaction, and on my part my Will is that
the said Farm be held by my Executor for the good of my Children
till such a Time as there be a proper Person who is Approved of and
is to the liking of my said Landlord Mr. Robert Quince aforesaid and
as soon as such a Tenant apply be it at what time of the Year it
will or may happen he paying and Satisfying for his Income as
above and for all such Crop or Crops upon the Ground that are my
Property or any wise belonging to me it may and shall be Lawfull
for Him or her, if my said Landlord approve of the same He or she
the said Tenants paying as above directed into the Hands of of my
Executor for the Use of this my my Will according to the True intent
and meaning thereof that is to Say the Money thence arising to be paid
as apart of my Estate to the said John and Susan Ramply my
Children in Just and equal portions then it may be Lawfull for
such a Tenant to enter the above Premisses and not otherwise And
Lastly I Nominate Constitute and Appoint Thomas Ramplye my
Brother Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament hereby
revoking all former Wills and Bequests by me at any Time
Bequeathed And my Will is that my said Brother Thomas
Ramplye of the Parish of St Mary’s of the City of Norwich whom I
have Appointed Sole Executor of this my Will be Allowed and paid
all such reasonable Charges and Expenses as shall Arise in the
Execution and Fulfilling this my Will Which Will and no other I
allow to be my Last Will and Testament contained in one Sheet
of Paper In Witness whereof I the said Richard Ramplye the
Testator have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the Day and
Year above Written.
Richard Ramplye
Signed Sealed Published Pronounced and Declared by the
said Richard Ramplye as his last Will and Testament in the
Presence of us the Subscribers. Esther Newby, John
Adkin his Mark, Elizabeth Punt.
N.B. The Parts of the above John and Susan Rampley
are to be paid within twelve Kalendar Months after the Decease
of the said Testator their Father as above.
May 27th 1760.
The Executor within named was then Sworn in due form of Law
before me F. Frank L.L.B.
Examined by us Samuel Cole Junior and
Thomas Coldwell
Will of Thomas Rampley 20 October 1770 (proved 25 July 1772)
NRO Reference: 31 [MF341] Origin: Archdeaconaries of Norwich and of Norfolk
5 sheets
In the Name of God Amen I Thomas
Rampley of the Parish of Saint Mary in the City of Norwich
Cordwainer being of sound Memory Blessed be God Do make
and Declare this my last Will and Testament in manner following
that is to say First I Give and Devise All my Messuage
or Dwelling House with the Land and Appurtenances thereto
belonging situate and being in the Parish of Saint Mary
aforesaid to Ann the Wife of Christmas Cockaday of the aforesaid
City Worstead Weaver To hold to her during her natural
Life and from and after her Decease to Sarah Howlins her
Daughter but if the said Sarah should not survive the said Ann
her mother then to the Heirs of the said Ann Cockaday Item
I Give to the aforesaid Sarah Howlins the sum of one hundred
pounds Item I Give to my Kinsman John Rampley of the
City of London five pounds Item I give to my Kinswoman
Susanna the Wife of John Perry of the City of London twenty
Pounds Item I Give to Francis Ladd the Son of William Ladd
of the City of Norwich Worstead Weaver five pounds when he
attains the Age of twenty one years Item I Give to William
the son of the aforesaid William Ladd five pounds when he
attains the Age of twenty one years Item I give to Thomas
Bell of Coltishall in the County of Norfolk Gentleman my Silver
Pint pot immediately after my Decease Item I give to Mary
Schoolding my Maid Servant five pounds And I do make
and Nominate my loving Friends William Garritt of the Parish
of Saint Mary in the aforesaid City Baker and William Skedge
of Blofield in the County of Norfolk Schoolmaster Executors
of this my last Will and Testament and for their Pains and
trouble I Give each of them ten pounds All the rest and residue
Of my Goods Chattles and Estate whatsoever both real and
Personal after Payment of all my just Debts my Funeral Expenses
and the charge of the Probate of this my Will I Give and Bequeath
to the aforesaid Ann Cockaday In Witness whereof I have to this
my said Will set my Hand and Seal the twentieth Day of October
in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundreds and seventy.
Thomas Rampley
Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the said Testator
to be his last Will and Testament In the Presence of Us, who
in his Presence and at his request have Subscribed our Names
as Witnesses hereto. Thomas Sell. Elizabeth Harper. The mark of
John Mickleburgh.
At Norwich 25th of March 1771.
The Executors within named were Sworn in due form of Law
before me Thomas Nichols Clerk Surrogate to the Official.
25th July 1772
This is an unedited copy taken from Michael John Neill’s website.
Will of James Rampley 3 July 1812 (proved 30 September 1817)
In the name of God Amen. I James RAMPLEY Senr. of Harford County in the State of Maryland being weak in body but of sound and disposing mind Considering the Certainty of death and the uncertainty of the time thereof and being desirous to settle my worldly affairs and thereby be unincubered[sic] with the affairs of this world when it shall please God to call me hence do therefore make and publish this my last Will and Testament revoking all others in manner and form following that is to say.
First and principally I commit my soul into the hands of almighty God and my body to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors hereinafter named and after my debts and funeral Expences are paid I devise and bequeath as follows.
to my dearly beloved wife Sarah RAMPLEY I give and bequeath one third of the tract of land whereon I now reside called GRAYs Choice together with one third of a lot of Land I purchased from Benjamin MORTON supposed to contain about fifty nine Acres more or less during her Natural life then to be as hereafter disposed of also I give and bequeath to my wife one Negro woman named Dinah one bed bedstead and furniture and case of drawers one fawling[sic] leaf walnut table one small square pine table to be at her disposal
I also give to my wife the use of two horses one called durjing[sic] and the other [parman?] and three Milk Cows and the use of one third of all my farming utensils and house and kitchen furniture during her natural life then to descend to my son James RAMPLEY to enable him to defray expences[sic] and pay pay[sic] debts.
I give and bequeath to my son William RAMPLEY the plantation whereon he now lives being part of a tract of land called RAMPLEYs venture a tract called poverty hills and a tract called Peaceable Mountains also part of a tract of Land called Expense[sic] which has been already conveyed to him, in the whole supposed to contain about one hundred and fifty acres more or Less all of which I give to my son William RAMPLEY her[sic] heirs and assigns forever.
I give and bequeath unto all the surviving children of my daughter Nancy BEATY at her decease sixty acres of Land adjoining Benjamin BRINDLE and John GLADDEN it being part of a tract of Land called RAMPLEY’s Venture to them their heirs and assigns forever reserving the use and occupation thereof during the natural life of my said daughter Nancy BEATY to my son James RAMPLEY to take care of as Trustee for the maintainence[sic] of my said daughter Nancy and her Children until the decease of my said daughter Nancy BEATY my Son in law John BEATY to have no claim Right or title to said Land or the profits thereof
Whereas I have put my son in Law John GLADDEN in possession of fifty acres of Land which I intended for the benefit of his two children James and Sarah GLADDEN I give him the said John the use and occupation of the same during his natural life but in case that my said son in law should think it an advantage to dispose of the same I give him liberty to sell, and do hereby authorise[sic] him to give by deed of conveyance a good and sufficient title in fee Simple for the Same Land and premises, but he shall before he make any sale thereof give security to the Justices of Harford County orphans Court which the court will aprove[sic] of that he will well and truly pay over the said money or secure the payment of the proceeds of the Sale to the before mentioned James and Sarah Children of John GLADDEN and my daughter Elizabeth GLADDEN and after the sale is made it shall not stand good unless the Said Court shall approve thereof But in case the said John GLADDEN should not Sell the above mentioned land or if he should sell and the orphans Court not agree to the sale I give and bequeath the said fifty acres of Land being part of a tract called RAMPLEY’s Venture unto James GLADDEN and Sarah GLADDEN my two Grandchildren their heirs and assigns forever.
Whereas I have sold unto Thomas AYRES Sr. one hundred and sixty three Acres three quarters and twenty Six perches of Land part of RAMPLEY’s Venture at eight dollars per acres payable in five annual Instalments[sic] form[sic] the eighteenth day of March last and received two hundred dollars and am to receive one hundred dollars more in hand agreeable to contract And my will and desire is that my three daughters Sarah SPARKS, Mary HUTCHINS and Jemima ELLIOT shall receive an equal portion of the money due from Thomas AYRES Senr. until they receive three hundred dollars Each to be paid unto them as soon as received from said AYRES but in case the Said AYRES should refuse or neglect to comply with said contract I then give unto my said daugters[sic] Sarah SPARKS, Mary HUTCHENS[sic] and Jemima ELLIOTT fifty acres Each of the before mentioned land that was agreed to be sold to the said Thomas AYRES the said land to be laid of and divided by lot to them their Heirs and assigns forever. I give and bequeath the Remainder of the said tract supposed to contain about thirteen Acres and three fourths unto my son Thomas Johnson RAMPLEY his heirs and assigns forever to laid of adjoining the land of William GIBSON and Thomas MONTGOMERY but in case Thomas Senr. Complys with his contract this devise to be void.
I also give to my [sic] Thomas John[sic] RAMPLEY my mill and Land that I purchased of Henry MYRES that he now occupies to him his heirs and assigns forever. I further give him one Hundred dollars to Enable him to rebuild his mill to be paid unto him by his two brothers William and James RAMPLEY that is to say fifty dollars each to be paid out of their parts allotted unto them.
I give and bequeath unto my son James RAMPLEY all my part of that Land where I now live called CRAIGHs Choice and also all that land I purchased from Benjamin MORTON containing about sixty acres to him and his heirs and assigns forever Reserving my wifes right of dower but in Case my son James RAMPLEY should die Leaving no lawfull Issue then I leave and bequeath said mentioned land called CREAGHs[sic] Choice and the land I purchased of Benjamin MORTON to be Equally divided between all my children.
I further give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah SPARKS one Negro girl named Sukey. I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary HUTCHINS one Mulatto girl named Press my wife to have the use of her during her Natural life.
I give and bequeath unto my son James RAMPLEY one Negro boy named George, but my wife to have the use and Service of him during her Natural life.
I give and bequeath unto my granddaughter Sarah BEATY one bed bedstead and furniture that she mow lays on one new spinning wheel and squeare[sic] Cherry tree table no drawer in it also one heifer named Barbara one new side saddle.
I further give and bequeath to my son James RAMPLEY all my Estate not otherwise disposed of and also oblige him to pay all my outstanding debts.
I further will and desire that my Executors hereinafter named or Either of them be and is hereby authorised[sic] to give good and sufficient titles in fee simple for all lands heretofore sold by me.
And further my Express will and meaning is and I do hereby order and appoint that if any difference dispute question of Controversy shall be moved arise or happen concerning any gift bequest[sic] or other matter or thing in this my will given and bequeathed Expressed or contained that then no suit or suits in law or Equity or otherwise shall be brought or commenced or prosecuted for and concerning the same but the same shall be referred wholy[sic] to the award order and determination of my friends Andrew TURNER Jesse JARRET and William R. GILLES and what they or any two of them or the survivors of them shall order direct and determine therein shall be biding[sic] and conclusive to all every person or persons who are concerned or have or benefit in or by this my last will.
And Lastly I do hereby constitue[sic] and appoint my sons William &;James RAMPLEY Executors of this my last Will and Testament ratifying and Confirming this to be my last will and Testament.
In testimony whereof I have unto set my hand and affixed my seal this third day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twelve
Signed sealed published and declared by)
James RAMPLEY, Senr. the above named Testa-)
tor as and for his last will and Testament)
in the presence of us who at his request)
in his presence and in the presence of each)
other have subscribed our Names as witnesses)
William R. GILLES, Jesse JARRETT, Andrw. TURNER.
Harford County SS the 30th day of Sept. 1817 then came James RAMPLEY and William RAMPLEY the executors named in the foregoing Instrument of writing who produced the same and severally made oath on the holy evangels of almighty God that they found the same among the papers of James RAMPLEY late of Harford County deceased and that it is the true and whole last will and Testament of the said deceased that came to their hands &;possession and that they do not know of any other.
Certified by Saml. RICHARDSON RWHCy.
Harford County SS the 30th day of September 1817 then came Jesse JARRETT and Andrew TURNER two of the subscribing witnesses to the within &;foregoing last will and Testament of James RAMPLEY late of Harford County Deceased and made oath on the hole evangels of almighty God that they did See the Testator, therein named sign and seal this will that they heard him publish pronounce and delcare the same to be his last will and Testament that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehension of Sound and disposing mind memory and understanding and that they severally subscribed their names as witnesses to this in the presence and at the request of the Testator and in the presence of William R GILLES the other Subscribing Witness who sign [sic] his name as a witness at the same[sic] in the presence and at the request of the Testator and in the presence of each other.
Exd. by S.R. Certified by Saml. RICHARDSON RWHCy
Will of Sarah Rampley 17 November 1813 (codicil added 6 November 1819) (proved 19 April 1821)
Catalogue Reference: PROB 11/1642
Dept: Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Series: Prerogative Court of Canterbury and related Probate Jurisdictions: Will Registers
Piece: Name of Register: Mansfield Quire Numbers: 201 – 250
I Sarah Rampley now residing at
Thurston in the county of Suffolk the wife of James Rampley late
of Stanningfield in the same county farmer do make this my last will
and testament in the manner following that is to say whereas by an
Indenture dated the seventeenth day of November one thousand eight
hundred and thirteen and made between the said James Rampley
and myself of the one part and Ezekiel Sparke of Bury Saint Edmunds
in the said County Gentleman since deceased and Joseph Maulkin of
the same place Merchant of the other part writing that the said
James Rampley would pay into the hands of the said Ezekiel Sparke and
Joseph Maulkin the sum of one thousand and five hundred pounds
to be laid out in the purchase of Stock and which was on the
thirteenth day of March then last laid out by them in the purchase of
one thousand six hundred and ninety seven pounds six shillings and
three pence Navy five per cent annuities and that the said five
per Cent annuities were so purchased by them for the Trusts intents
and purposes therein and hereinafter mentioned and it was thereby
declared and agreed by and between the said parties and particularly
the said James Rampley did thereby direct appoint and agree that
it should and might be lawful to and for the said Ezekiel Sparke
and Joseph Maulkin and the survivor of them his Executors and
advisors or such future Trustee or Trustees to be appointed as therein
mentioned to stand possessed of the said Stock upon the Trusts and for
the intents and purposes thereinafter mentioned that is to say upon
Trust to pay to or authorize and empower me and my assigns during
the joint lives of myself and the said James Rampley to receive and
take the whole of the dividends and interest thereof to and for my
own sole and separate use exclusive of my said husband and so as not
to be subject to his Controul Debts or Engagements and for which my
receipt alone notwithstanding my Coverture shall be a good discharge
to the Trustees for so much thereof as should be expressed in such
receipt and from and after the decease of either of them the said
James Rampley and myself in case I should survive him Then upon
Trust to pay assign and transfer the said Stocks funds and Securities
and the accruing interest thereof unto me my Executors and advisors
to and for my and their use and benefit but in case the said James
Rampley should happen to survive me Then upon Trust to pay
assign and transfer the said Stocks Funds and Securities and the
accruing Interest and dividends thereof unto such person or persons
for such uses intents and purposes and in such manner as I
notwithstanding my Coverture and as if I was sole and unmarried
should at any time in and by my last will and Testament in writing
or any writing or writings purporting to be or being in the nature
of a will or any Codicil or Codicils thereto to be by me duly executed
and attested direct or appoint give or dispose of the same now by
virtue and in pursuance of the power and authority given or
reserved to me in and by the said writed Indenture and of all other
powers and authorities given to me or in anywise enabling me I do
by this my last will and Testament or appointment in the nature
of a will give and dispose of the one thousand six hundred and ninety
seven pounds six shillings and three pence Navy five per Cents and
the dividends which may be due to me for the same at my decease
in manner following that is to say I give and bequeath unto the said
Joseph Maulkin the Sum of Two hundred and forty pounds Sterling
upon Trust that he shall and do immediately after my decease place
out the same at Interest on Government or Real Security by and in his
name upon Trust that the his Executors and advisors shall and do
pay to or authorize and empower my Brother Thomas Taylor and
his assigns to receive and take the Dividends and Interests thereof for
and during the term of his life and from and after his decease then
in case his wife Mary shall survive him to pay the Dividends and
Interest to his said wife for her life and from and after the decease of the
Survivor of them the said Thomas Taylor and Mary his wife I give
and bequeath the said Sum of Two hundred and forty pounds and the
Stocks Funds and Securities for the same and the accruing Interest and
Dividends thereof unto his two Children Robert and Lucy Taylor
equally to be dividends thereof unto his two Children Robert divided
between them share and share alike and I give and bequeath unto Sarah
Halls the wife of Matthew Halls of Denham in the said County the Sum
of one hundred and fifty pounds Sterling also I give and bequeath unto Sarah
Sarah Halls the Eldest daughter of the said Matthew Halls and Sarah
his wife the Sum of four hundred pounds sterling to be paid to her at her
age of twenty one years but in case she shall happen to die under that age
then I give the Sum of Two hundred pounds part thereof unto the said
Sarah Halls the wife of the said Matthew Halls and Margaret Dooks
of Hawstead Place one hundred pounds other part thereof & the remaining one hundred pounds to Sarah Burch the wife of Thomas Burch of Diss in the county in Norfolk Cooper also I give and bequeath
unto the said Margaret Dooks the sum of Two hundred pounds Sterling
to and for her and their own use and benefit also I give to the said Joseph
Maulkin the further sum of Two hundred pounds Sterling upon Trust
that he his Executors or advisors shall and do in like manner place
out the same at interest and upon further Trust to pay to or authorize
and empower the said Sarah Burch the wife of the aforesaid Thomas
Burch and her assigns to receive and take the dividends and Interest
thereof during the term of her life to and for her own sole and
separate use so as not to be liable to the debts Controul or Engagements
of her said husband and I declare and direct that the receipt of the
said Sarah Burch notwithstanding her Coverture or the receipt or
receipts of such person or persons as she shall by any note or
writing under her hand direct to receive the same shall be a good
discharge and indemnity to the said Joseph Maulkin his Executors and
advisors and from and after her decease then upon Trust to pay
assign and transfer the said last mentioned Trust monies Stocks Funds
and Securities for the same and the accruing Interest and Dividends
thereof unto such person or persons for such uses intents and purposes and
in such manner as she the said Sarah Burch shall in and by any
deed or writing under her hand and seal or by her last Will and
Testament in writing or any writing or writings purporting to be or being
in the nature of a Will or any Codicil or Codicils thereto to be by
her respectively only executed and attested direct or appoint give or
dispose of the same and for want thereof to her Executors or advisors
also I give and bequeath the sum of one hundred pounds Sterling
unto all the Children of Thomas Peacock of Barrow in the said
County Collar maker by Elizabeth Aldaus his late wife who shall be
alive at my decease equally divided between them and to be
paid to them on the youngest of them for the time being attaining
the age of twenty one years and in case any of them shall happen
to die under the age of twenty one then I give the share or shares
of him her or them so dying of and in the said last mentioned Sum
and of the accumulations to be made of the Interest thereof as herein
after mentioned unto the Survivors of them and to be paid in like
manner with his or her original share thereof and I direct that the
said Sum of one hundred pounds Sterling and the yearly Interest
and dividends thereof shall be from time to time placed out at Interest
by and in the name of the said Joseph Maulkin his Executors
& advisors as an accumulating Fund until the youngest of the said
children for the time being shall attain the age of twenty one
years also I give and bequeath unto John Rampley of Hawstead
aforesaid Husbandman the sum of Thirty pounds also to his sister
Mary Cousins the Sum of nineteen Guineas also I give to Alice
Durrant of Bury Saint Edmunds aforesaid Widow the Sum of fifty
pounds and Ann Rogers wife of William Rogers of Lopham
Innkeeper nineteen Guineas and I give to the said Joseph Maulkin
the Sum of ten pounds in case he acts in the Trusts of this my
will and I direct all the said Legacies for the payment of which no
one is hereinbefore directed to be paid within six months after my
decease and all the Residue of the monies Stocks Funds and Securities for
for monies so vested in the said Ezekiel Sparke and Joseph
Maulkin in and by the said recited Indenture and all other my
personal Estate which I have power to dispose of after payment
of my debts and funeral expenses and the before mentioned Legacies
unto the said Sarah Halls the daughter to and for her own use and
I desire to be buried in a decent and proper manner at Hawstead
aforesaid In Witness whereof I have to this my last Will and Testament
or appointment in the nature of a will contained in four sheets of paper
set my hand and seal in manner following that is to say to the
three first Sheets thereof my hand and to this last and fourth
sheet thereof my hand and Seal this fifteenth day of August in the
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixteen. Sarah
Rampley Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the said
Sarah Rampley as and for her last Will and Testament or appointment
in the nature of a Will in the presence of us who in her presence and
in the presence of each other at her request have hereunto subscribed
our names as witnesses the several Erazures having been first made
therein. Tim J Holmes John Jackson Bury St Edmunds
I Sarah Rampley above named do this
sixth day of November one thousand eight hundred and nineteen make
this as and for a Codicil to my above Will first I give and bequeath
unto my brother Thomas Taylor the sum of forty pounds part of
the sum of Two hundred and forty pounds by my said Will directed to
be paid put out for his benefit the remaining Two hundred pounds to
be invested and go as by my said Will is directed as to the Two
hundred and fifty pounds also I revoke the Legacy by my above Will
of fifty pounds given to Alice Durrant and instead thereof do give and
bequeath unto her Thirty pounds and so confirm my said Will in all
other respects Sarah Rampley Signed Sealed Published and Declared
by the above said Sarah Rampley as and for a Codicil to her last Will
and Testament or appointment in the nature of a codicil in the
presence of us who in her presence at her request and in the presence
of each other have hereunto set our names as witnesses Tim J Holmes
J Jackson.
Proved at London (with a Codicil) 19th April 1821 before the
Judge by the oath of Joseph Maulkin the Executor according to the
Trust to whom administration was granted limited so far only as
concerns all the right Title and Interest of her the deceased in and
to the sum of £1697 .. 6 .. 3 Navy 5 pCent Bank Annuities and the
Interest and Dividends now due and to grow due thereon over which
she the said deceased had a disposing power by virtue of a certain
Indenture of Settlement or Declaration of Trust bearing date the 17th
November 1813 and which she hath disposed of by her Will accordingly
and all benefit and advantage to be had received and taken therefrom
but no further or otherwise or in any other manner whatsoever
having been first sworn by Commission duly to administer.
Will of Samuel Rampley 30 May 1814 (proved 9 December 1820)
SRO Reference: IC500/2/103
Book: J545/70
Date: 1820
Page: 152
This is the last Will and Testament of
me Samuel Rampley of Stanton in the
County of Suffolk Cordwainer being of sound and
disposing mind praised be almighty God for
the same First I revoke all former Wills and
declare this to be my last And thereof I
appoint Thomas Avey of Stanton aforesaid
farmer Executor thereof And I give and
devise unto the said Thomas Avey and his
heirs as well my freehold Messuages lands
and hereditaments in possession reversion
remainder expectancy or otherwise as those
which I have agreed and purchased of John
Whain Upon trust to sell and dispose of
the same as soon as conveniently can be after
my decease either together or in parcels either
by private sale or by auction and the monies
thereby arising together with the money to
arise by sale of the copyhold part of the estate
of the said John Whain for which purpose I
authorize and empower the said Thomas
Avey to carry the said agreement into execution
and to order and direct that the said John
Whain or his heirs do and shall surrender the
Copyhold part of the said purchase I made of
him to and for the purchase thereof under this
my Will and the money so to be made by sale of my
said freehold and copyhold estates together
with the money to arise by sale of all my
personal estate and effects of what nature
soever for which purpose I give and bequeath
the same to my said Executor to be sold and
converted into money I give and bequeath order
and direct to be paid to and equally divided
amongst my three daughters subject
nevertheless and I hereby subject and charge
all my real and personal estates with and
to the payment of all my mortgages and
other debts whatsoever In Witness whereof
I have hereunto set and put my hand and
Seal this thirtieth day of May one thousand
eight hundred and fourteen but first
declaring and ordering that the receipt and
receipts of my said Executor shall be good
and valid discharge and discharges to the
purchaser and purchasers of my said
estates and every part thereof and that such
purchaser and purchasers should not be
further answerable or accountable for the
same or any part thereof Samuel
Rampley Signed sealed and
delivered published and declared by the said
Samuel Rampley the Testator as and for
his last Will and Testament in the presence
of us who in his presence at his request and
in the presence of each other have subscribed
our names as Witnesses James Barsham
Edward Randall John
Probate of this Will was made in comon form
before the Reverend Arthur Rogers Clerk Surrogate to the
Worshipful Henry Denny Berners Clerk LL
B Official etc. the 9th day of December 1820 by the oath
of the sole Executor to whom Administration etc. was
granted being sworn etc. saving all right etc.
Will of James Rampley 18 July 1823 (codicil added 26 June 1826) (proved 23 February 1827)
Catalogue Reference: PROB 11/1722
Dept: Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Series: Prerogative Court of Canterbury and related Probate Jurisdictions: Will Registers
Piece: Name of Register: Hober Quire Numbers: 101 – 150
This is the last will and testament of me James Rampley of Bury
Saint Edmunds in the county of Suffolk Gentleman made this eighteenth day of July in the year of our
lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three first I make nominate and appoint my nephew
William Rampley of Blofield in the county of Norfolk innkeeper and John Leatherdale of Yaxley in the
said county of Suffolk farmer executors of this my will then I give and bequeath a legacy or sum of fifty
pounds each unto the children of my brother John Rampley late of Yaxley aforesaid farmer deceased namely
namely John Rampley Thomas Rampley Martha Allum Mary Couzens xxx (Sarah?) Bush and Sophia
Lemair xxx to the part or share of the said John Rampley in case of his death before me I give and
bequeath the same to the survivors of the said children equally and in case of the decease of the said
Thomas Rampley Martha Allum Mary Couzens xxx Bush and Sophia Lemair or any or either
of them I give the parts or shares of each so dying to their legal representatives also I give and bequeath
the like sum of fifty pounds apiece to the children of my sister late Elizabeth Gooch wife of Thomas Gooch
deceased and in case of their deaths I give the same to their respective legal representatives also I give
and bequeath the like sum of fifty pounds each unto the children of my sister Alice Nunn late the wife
of John Nunn deceased and in case of their deaths I give the same to their respective legal
representatives also I give and bequeath to Ann Rogers the wife of William Rogers of South Lopham
in the said county of Norfolk xxx farmer the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds for her own sole use and
benefit notwithstanding her coverture and the same not to be liable to the control debts or engagements
of her present or future husband but that her receipt alone shall be a good and valid discharge to my
said executors for the xxx also I give and bequeath to Harriett Edwards daughter of Harry Edwards
of Botesdale in the county of Suffolk the sum of one hundred pounds also I give to Edward Edwards son of the said
Harry Edwards the sum of thirty pounds also I give and bequeath to the children of my brother
William Rampley of Botesdale aforesaid deceased if any of them should be living at the time of
my decease a legacy or sum of fifty pounds apiece also I give and bequeath to my nephew Robert Pott a
legacy or sum of fifty pounds but in case of his death before the said legacy becomes due and payable then
xxx the same to Ann Rogers the wife of William Rogers aforesaid and to her legal
representatives all which said xxx and xxx legacies of money I will and direct shall be paid
by my executors within twelve months xxx after my decease and further I give and devise all
that my freehold messuage and premises with xxxgarden and appurtenances thereto belonging
wherein I now reside situate and being in the Southgate in Bury Saint Edmunds aforesaid unto
the said William Rampley and John Leatherdale my said executors cohold to xxx their heirs and
assigns upon trust that they or the survivors of them or the heirs of each survivor do and shall
award as xxxtly may be after my decease will dispose of and xxx either by public auction
on sale xxx as they shall deem proper for the most money that can fairly be obtained for
the same and for facilitating such sale it is my will and meaning that the purchase of the said
messuage and premises shall not be answerable or accountable for the misapplication or non
application of the purchase money or any part thereof but that the receipt or receipts of my said
executors or the survivor of them or the heirs of such survivor shall be a good and sufficient
discharge as the purchaser for such a purchase money and the money arising from the sale of my
aforesaid messuage and premises and household furniture xxx and xxx of the furniture in a
dressing??? room of my housekeeper Lucy Jarrold??? xxx xxx xxx to the premises in
xxxpation of xxx xxx which I give to her for her own use together with all my monies
xxx for money and the residue of my xxx estate and effects whatsoever after payment of
my just debts funeral charges and expenses and the aforesaid legacies or sums of money I give and
bequeath the same unto the said William Rampley Susan Leatherdale and George Rampley
equally to be divided between them share and share alike and to their respective legal
representatives save and except as aforesaid and I do hereby direct that my said executors may
xxx the monies??? out of my said estate and effects all wassualls??? charges that they shall or
xxx xxx sustain or be put unto in or about the execution of this my will or the trusts hereby
reposed in them and that they shall not be accountable for the acts deeds receipts and defaults
of each other but only liable and accountable for his own acts deeds receipts and defaults In
xxx whereof I the said James Rampley the Testator have to this my last will and testament
contained in three sheets of paper set my hand to the first sheets thereof and to this last
sheet my hand and seal the day and year first within written James Rampley xxx Signed
sealed published and declared by the said James Rampley as and for his last will & testament
in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our
name as witnesses thereto M A Harrison Sarah Ball H Tipple
I James Rampley of Bury Saint Edmunds in the county of Suffolk Gentleman do this
twenty sixth day of June in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty six
make this a codicil to my will and to be taken as part thereof in manner following that is to
say whereas I have in and by my said will bearing date about the eighteenth day of
July one thousand eight hundred and twenty three given and bequeathed a legacy of fifty
pounds unto my niece Mary Couzens now I do hereby revoke and make void the said legacy of fifty
pounds and in lieu and stead thereof I give and bequeath unto the said Mary Couzens a legacy of one
hundred pounds to and for her own use and benefit and whereas I have in and by my said will
given and bequeathed a legacy of one hundred pounds unto Harriett Edwards daughter of
Harry Edwards of Botesdale in the county of Suffolk now I do hereby revoke and make void the said
legacy of one hundred pounds and in lieu and stead thereof I give and bequeath unto the said
Harriet Edwards a legacy of fifty pounds only to and for her own use and benefit and whereas I
have in and by my said will given and bequeathed unto my respected housekeeper Lucy Jarrold
all the furniture in her keeping??? room in my dwelling house to and for her own use and benefit
now I do hereby confirm the said bequest and in addition thereto I do hereby authorize xxx
order and direct the executors of my said will and xxx named or the survivor of them his
executors or administrators from and immediately after my decease to put and place out at
interest on xxx or xxx security out of the monies to arise by the sale and conversion of
my said real and personal estate the sum of two hundred pounds sterling and to pay the
dividends and interest therefrom annually arising unto my said housekeeper Lucy Jarrold for
and during the term of her natural life to whom I give and bequeath the same to and for
her own absolute use and benefit and her receipt alone under her proper hand shall be a good
discharge for the same and from and immediately after the decease of the said Lucy Jarrold
then I direct the said principal sum of two hundred pounds to be called in and to be equally
divided between the said William Rampley Susan Leatherdale and George Rampley of
Norwich innkeeper to whom I give and bequeath the same to and for their own absolute
use benefit and disposal and lastly I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint the said George
Rampley to be one of my executors and trustees for sale of my real estate equally with the
said William Rampley and John Leatherdale and I do hereby confirm my said will in all
other respects in witness whereof I the said James Rampley the Testator have to this
codicil to my last will and testament contained in two sheets of paper set my hand to the first
sheet thereof and my hand and seal to this second and last sheet thereof this day and year
first above written James Rampley x his mark and seal signed sealed
published and declared by the said James Rampley the Testator as and for a codicil to his last will and
testament and to be taken as part thereof in the presence of us who in his presence at his request
and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses
John Durrant Michael Lark Frederick xxx Bury Saint Edmunds Suffolk.
Proved at London with a codicil 23rd February 1827 before the judge by the oaths of William Rampley
the nephew & John Leatherdale the executors named in the will & George Rampley the executor
named in the codicil to whom Administration was granted they having been first sworn by Commission duly to Administer.
Will of John Rampley 6 June 1823 (proved 4 June 1835)
Catalogue Reference: PROB 11/1848
Dept: Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Series: Prerogative Court of Canterbury and related Probate Jurisdictions: Will Registers
Piece: Name of Register: Gloster Quire Numbers: 351 – 400
I Iohn Rampley Senior of Woodham in the parish of
of Chertsey in the county of Surry farmer do this 6th day of Iune 1823 make publish and declare
this to be my last Will and Testament that is to say I do hereby nominate constitute and
appoint my dear Wife Ann Rebecca Rampley sole executrix of this my last Will
and Testament and I do hereby give devise and bequeath to my said dear wife and to
her assigns for ever all and singular my Corn Hay Straw Stock Horses Cattle Waggons
Carts Carriages Farming Implements of all descriptions household furniture and everything
that I now possess or am any wise intitled to whatsoever and wheresoever In Testimony
whereof I the said Iohn Rampley have this day set my hand Iohn Rampley
signed sealed published and declared by the said Iohn Rampley as and for his last Will &
Testament in the presence of us who at his request have in his presence and in the pres-
ence of each other set our names as Witness thereto Charles Newland
William Glaysher Iune 6, 1823
Appeared Personally Charles Rowland of Cobham
in the county of Surry and made oath that he is the surviving subscribed witness
to the last will and testament hereunto annexed of Iohn Rampley the elder formerly
of Woodham but late of Cobham in the county of Surry deceased beginning thus “I Iohn
Rampley Senior” ending thus “In Testimony whereof I the said Iohn Rampley have this
day set my hand and seal” being thus subscribed “Iohn Rampley” and being dated Iune
6, 1823 and he further made oath that he saw the said deceased execute the said will
on the said 6 day of Iune 1823 and that he the Deponent then wrote the said date at
the foot of the said Will the same being the date of such execution thereof by the said
deceased in the presence of him the deponent and of William Glaysher his follors
subscribed Witness thereto Chas Newland on Wednesday the 26 day of November
1834 the said Charles Rowland was duly sworn to the truth of the aforegoing affidavit
before me William Robinson Iune – Present E. C. Brickwood not Pub.
Proved at London 4 Iune 1835 before the Worshipful Iohn Danbury Dr of
Laws and Surrogate by the oath of Ann Rebecca Rampley Widow the Relict the sole
Executrix to whom Administration was granted having been first sworn duly to administer
Will of William Rampley 4 July 1828 (proved 23 January 1832)
NRO Reference: 362 [MF484] Origin: Norwich Consistory Court
No 157
4 folios – Effects sworn under £800
In the Name of God amen I William Rampley
of the parish of Blofield in the County of Norfolk
Innkeeper being of sound mind memory and
understanding do make this my last Will
and testament in manner and form following First
I direct that my body may be decently buried
in the Churchyard of Blofield aforesaid And secondly I give
devise and bequeath unto my beloved Wife
Elizabeth Rampley all my money securities for
money goods chattels estate and effects of what
nature or kind soever and wheresoever the same
shall be at my decease for her sole benefit use
and disposal And I do nominate constitute and
appoint my said Wife Executrix and Mr Philip William
Rose Wine Merchant of the City of Norwich
Executor to this my Will And I do direct my
said Excutor and Executrix to dispose of within
three months should it then appear adviseable[so> to do so after my decease all my stock in trade
household goods utensils etc. etc. in the best manner
they can And thereby revoke and make void
all and every other Will or Wills made by me
In witness whereof I the said William Rampley
have to this my last Will and testament contained
and written on two sheets of paper set my hand
and seal that is to say my hand to the first
sheet thereof and my hand and seal to the second
and last sheet thereof this fourth day of July
One thousand eight hundred and twenty eight
William Rampley seal
Signed sealed published and delivered by the
said William Rampley the testator as and for
his last Will and testament in the presence of
us who in his presence and at his request and
in the presence of each other have subscribed
our names as witnesses thereto Robert Rose
William Coldham
This Will was proved at
Norwich on the twenty third day
of January 1832 before the Reverend
Paul Whittingham Clerk Surrogate
duly appointed of the Worshipful William
Gonge Clerk A M official principal of the
Episcopal Consistorial Court of Norwich lawfully
constituted and was approved etc. and administration of
all and singular the goods etc. of the within William
Rampley the testator deceased was then duly
granted to Elizabeth Rampley widow his relict
the Exeutrix within named she being duly sworn etc. power being [Philip William Rose the executor and>
reserved for committing the like adcon to Philip William Rose [Executor within named they being sworn etc.>
the Executor within named when he shall pray the same etc.
saving etc. examined with the original will
By me
John Howard Junior
Will of John Rampley 8 June 1835 (proved 21 December 1835) (died 10 Nov 1835)
SRO Reference: IC500/2/108
Book: J545/74
Date: 1835
Page: 260
This is the last Will and Testament of me
John Rampley of Stanningfield in the county of
Suffolk Labourer First I nominate and appoint my
sister Susan Leatherdale and my nephew John Cozens
Executrix and Executor of this my will and I give
and bequeath all my monies and securities for money
which my said sister Susan Leatherdale may have in
her possession at the time of my decease unto her my said
sister Susan to and for her own use and benefit Also I give
and bequeath unto my said nephew John Cozens all my
monies which shall at the time of my decease be found
remaining in the bank for savings in Bury Saint
Edmunds in the said County to and for his own use and
disposal And I desire that each of the above named
legalees shall pay a proportionate part of my just debts
funeral and testamentary expenses according to the
amount or value of their respective shares Also I give
to my brother Thomas my watch I hereby revoke all
other wills and declare this to be my last In Witness
whereof I the said John Rampley have hereunto set my
hand and seal this eighth day of June in the year of
our Lord One thousand eight hundred and thirty five
John Rampley Signed sealed published
and declared by the said John Rampley the testator as and
for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who
in his presence at his request and in the presence of each
other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses
Susan Welch John William Leonard
xxx died 10 Nov 1835
Probate of this will was made in comon form before the
Reverend J B Sams Clerk Surrogate to the worshipful Henry Denny
Berners Clerk xxx Aff xxx 21st Dec 1835 by the oath of
John Cozens the Executor to whom Administration was granted
being sworn etc. saving all right etc. (power being reserved
to Susan Leatherdale the Executrix when etc.)
Will of Elizabeth Rampley 24 January 1849 (proved 24 September 1850)
NRO Reference: 130 [MF364] Origin: Archdeaconaries of Norwich and of Norfolk
The last Will and Testament of me
Elizabeth Rampley, of Moulton in the
County of Norfolk, Widow. I nominate
and appoint my Friend Walne Taylor sole
Executor of this my Will. I desire my
Said Executor to have my body interred
In the Churchyard of the Parish in which
I may happen to die, and that my funeral
Be conducted in a plain and decent manner.
I give and bequeath unto my Great niece
Emily Mary Moggs, Spinster, my wearing
apparel of every description, my wedding
and mourning rings and my watch, with
its appendages. And I give and bequeath
all the residue and remainder of my personal
estate and effects, whatsoever and wheresoever
(after payment of my just debts and my
funeral and testamentary expenses and after
the specific bequest hereinbefore contained shall
be taken thereout) unto the said Walne Taylor
for his own absolute use and benefit. In
witness whereof I the said Elizabeth Rampley
have to this my last Will and Testament set
my hand and affixed my seal this twenty fourth
day of January in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and forty nine.
Elizabeth Rampley L.S.
Signed, sealed, published and declared, by
the said Elizabeth Rampley, the Testatrix, as
and for her last Will and Testament, in the
presence of us, present at the same time, who,
in her presence, at her request and in the
presence of each other, have subscribed our
names as Witnesses hereto. Harriet
Wlikinson. George Littleboy
This Will was proved, the 24th
day of September 1850, before the
Reverend David Jones, Clerk, Surrogate
in that behalf of the Worshipful the
Official in and throughout the
Archdeaconry of Norwich, lawfully
constituted, and was approved and registered
and Administration of all and singular
the goods etc. of the within-named Testatrix,
Elizabeth Rampley, was then duly granted to
Walne Taylor, the sole Executor within named,
he being first sworn etc. saving etc. Effects sworn
under 300£ Testatrix died May 1850
Thailes S Swan